So when the Sym/Zarya/Moira/Winston REVISED DAMAGE coming POST FIX?

This is ridiculous an argument, I’m not wasting my time- its a partial revert, get over it. You should too. I know Sym and Zarya will be fine and doing more damage, closer to what they were. Honestly, I couldn’t give a damn if you agree its a revert or not, under the circumstance, I think it is.

You did that the moment you made a joke-thread asking when the “fix” that already hit the game was coming.

They dont do partial ticks anymore. Its already here.

They started doing more damage than the devs anticipated

So they dialed it down a bit- To do more than it was previously, but less than it does currently.

Id suggest taking your own advice, Chief.

Theyre still in a buffed-state from what they were before the fix came.


The change has not been implented Live yet. That is just wrong. We are not talking the “fix” that Sym and Zarya got, we are talking the revision to the numbers, so if it would make you happy, lets correct the title shall we for the slower members out there…,

What the hell is so funny? I’d rather place after the changes are finished, they are not. The PTR changes including the adjustments to account for the “fix” to not be so overbearing are not live. How is that the least bit funny?

I’m sorry my man … I’m not … I can’t … It’s not you, I just … I can’t …

Much respect. Honestly this isn’t something I was even aware of, so thanks.

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Whatever bro… you just do you. Its the forgotten patch they are calling it, its been sitting there since Aug 27th.


you are one of those “Aiming = Skill” guys


“Partial revert”.

Lmao. What a fancy phrase for something that is just a nerf. They still do more damage. They still do better damage against highly mobile heroes. Why are you complaining so much? And stop using revert as a word. It’s wrong and make yourself look stupid.

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