So what were these Hog buffs I'm hearing about?

To be honest, I think people know this. They just want an excuse to make Hog trash because Hog is the game straight up telling you to position better and people, especially this community, hate being told they aren’t good enough

Fun Fact, Reaper’s spread buff is actually a nerf. You should go check it out.

They should reduce his spread, not change it from randomization. Because his damage coverage is worse with the change, not better.

It was a nerf but it got hot-fixed on PTR. You should have another update ready if you haven’t downloaded it already.

Shhh, don’t say that. They will tell you that “they need to be behind a shield 24/7 and even then, Hog always flank them”. It’s much better telling them to get a better game-sense.

I just want a reliable way dealing with anything in the game is all. Reaper is designed to counter tanks. He shouldn’t be one shot by Hog like he was before.

Hell in a game of Deathmatch o Cat I one shot a Reaper in the current game state as Hog. Reaper should be a tank buster not busted by tanks.

I don’t care about someone’s fragile ego about their Hog being holy but balance as with all things. If DPs across the board is buffed then tanking and healing should be as well ad same for nerfed. Balance should be treasured more then feeling powerful regardless of the hero.

Just because he is designed to counter tanks doesn’t mean he gets to play braindead around them. Wraith and hook are on the same cooldown. Wraith has no tell, is instant and is not a skillshot. Hook is skillshot, has travel time and a tell. If the Reaper gets hooked by Hog he should die like the rest because he was outplayed.

Pharah is hardcountered by Widow. If pharah however manages to sneak up on or not even sneak up on, and land two directs on the Widow, she deserves that kill.

Respect the hook and he’s mostly an easy kill. Even if he wasn’t oneshot by Hog.

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Your Hog vs Reaper Scenario misses the point. It implies advantage for one or the otehr in the situation balance should be in a neutral state. Everyone when they have the advantage will preform better that is actually just a fact.

Reaper should be able to without Wraith beat Hog and as a counter to tanks suffer significantly less from their straights when compared to otehr heroes. Reaper should be punished for getting hooked but instant death is down right madness especially considering that, that instant death is coming from a tank when Reaper in a optimal situation can still be one shot by Hog.

If his extra fifty health doesn’t allow him to effectively counter his opponents then what is it even there for? To help him survive against his counters? That’s just down right stupid since they should be the ones to take him down.

Let’s also not forget that if Hog can more reliable destroy any target inCQC then there is literally not figuratively, literally no reason for Reaper to ever be picked like when Hog was super meta before. There are no other heroes in the game with such stark contrasts to their playability and honestly the OWT should be lashed, joking, for making such a horribly misjudgement of balance.

Regardless of how this is all split the fact that Reaper can fail so horrible against something that he counters is innately a flaw and a horrible one at that. If not then why even have counters to begin with if everyone is just going to be running around like headless chickens popping off shot like a coke fueled rampage akin to Scarface.

All Reaper needs to do to shred Hog is wait out hook though. This was basically always the case.

It’s not a neutral state because of the differences I listed. Wraith form is perfect for dodging hook and it reloads your gun and allows you to position in Hog’s dead zone where he does near no damage. It is perfect for the engagement

Yeah no. If he gets outplayed he deserves to die. Choosing to engage without your cooldown is braindead play and deserves to be punished

His extra fifty health is to compensate for his lack of mobility, his need to fight close range and his large hitbox. Tracer is a much better tank shredder than he is and she has even less health than he does so clearly it’s not about him being able to survive Hog

Stop blaming Hog for Reaper’s problems. Before Hog was nerfed, Dive was still meta. Hog was not meta at all. Did that fix Reaper’s problems? Nope. It wasn’t Hog keeping him, it’s the fact that he just sucks at his job, especially compared to heroes like Tracer, Junkrat and Pharah who are much better tank shredders.

A braindead Reaper will yes. Making it so Reaper can just engage willy nilly without considering his cooldowns. Tracer craps on Zen mostly. Do you know what happens if the Tracer is braindead and just engages with few blinks and/or no recall? She dies because braindead play must not be rewarded

Stop blaming reaper being bad on Hog. Even when Hog was at his absolute worst, post nerf and pre TAB buff, Reaper was still garbage

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They’re changing his spread again in the next PTR. It’s going to be a buff.

The 30% lifesteal is a buff for sure.

You miss the point again. Balance should be seen in a neutral state then applied to everything else ergo, abilities and what not. as in if Reaper and Hog were just plopped in front of each other with no CD’s Reaper should win not Hog first then the abilities should be applied to the notes of countering as well not before.

Again that’s intently wrong. A counter should be able to succeed without needing to burn their kit to do well against the person they are meant to counter. The person who is being counted should in turn have to burn their kit to survive the encounter with their counter. In the case of Genji vs Winston a Genji would have to pull off all the stops to kill the Winston when the ape himself wouldn’t have to do much to counter the Genji the same applies here. No special treatment.

That wasn’t the point I was making. I was saying that his extra health does nothing to allow him to survive a Hog combo which it should considered he’s designed to counter him. It allows him to survive plenty of other interactions with tanks but not the Hog hook combo. That’s a problem for a counter to be instantly shutdown by the person they’re designed to counter.

Hog certainly doesn’t help considering he’s always done Reaper’s job but better. His ult has much better damage and utility, his damage and heals are far more reliable with better ranges and well CC is always a good thing to have regardless of who you are compared to Reaper’s CC less kit it’s a major downgrade. At no point have Hog and Reaper been able ot be in the spotlgiht. while others can certainly tank bust better then Reaper the point is that he should atleast provide a different type of tank busting that they can’t which is CQC based. Reaper can get into a mix and survive unlike the other tank busters until you take Hog into account who can do the same thing but have a higher chance to survive and kill potential when compared to Reaper. This is the core of the problem. everything Reaper does Hog can do better.

Again I’m not blaming hog for Reaper’s shortcomings, I have no idea where you’re getting this from. Stop forcing some narrative against me. What I’m saying is that Hog is a roadblock for Reaper and Reaper to Hog. Both can’t exist in a point of power because they counteract each other because Hog does what Reaper does but better so just flat out making Reaper a CQC death monster also makes Hog useless. This is part of the reason why the OWT said they will never buff Hog’s damage numbers and they seem to be keeping true to that claim. These two hereos can’t both be in a position of power and that is an innate problem but since Reaper is designed to counter Hog at the very least he should be able in every scanrio like all other hard counters to be able to beat him but despite this he can’t. There is literally no other worst counter play in the game then Hog vs Reaper. It got so bad that people said Hog even countered Reaper. That is a problem, these two heroes existing in their current states are problems. Something has to be done otherwise they will always be in a state of limbo.

If they have no CDs, Reaper does win.

So Brig doesn’t counter Tracer then, because if she doesn’t bash Tracer will win. Doomfist doesn’t counter Soldier or Zen or Ana because if he doesn’t use his abilities he won’t win. Sombra doesn’t counter Doomfist then because she needs to hack him to do that. In fact Sombra doesn’t counter anything because it’s all based on her hack. Pharah doesn’t counter anything because she needs to be flying to actually do that.

There’s so many examples of this in the game that this rule:

Is completely nonsense. You’re the one coming with special treatment. If having to burn your kit, ie use one ability, means you aren’t countering, then Sombra counters nothing at all because it’s all based on her hack. Stop being ridiculous

There’s no specific interaction with tanks where the extra health is making or breaking him surviving. The extra health is just because he is big and slow, it has nothing to do with him countering tanks

Again Hog is not the reason Reaper is trash. When Hog was trash Reaper was still trash. Why run a Reaper to bust tanks when I can run a Tracer or a Hanzo or a Pharah or a Junkrat? Reaper is trash because he is trash. Stop trying to make that Hog’s problem

When you keep trying to pretend Hog is what’s holding Reaper back you almost certainly are blaming Hog for Reaper being trash

Again if this were true, Reaper would have done much better when Hog was trash? Did he? No? Maybe because this isn’t true.

A whole lot of people do what Reaper does but better. Again see Hanzo, Tracer, Junkrat, Pharah. Seems like Reaper is the problem here

No the reason is because they know this community will cry all day about it like they did before

Again, that’s a Reaper problem not a Hog problem

You mean like Mcree countering Tracer and Doomfist? That’s going well.

Yeah fix or redesign Reaper so he isn’t trash. The solution however is not to make it so Reaper can be braindead in how he counters Hog

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Because we need to promote braindead gameplay. Next up: Sombra should counter Doomfist by just looking at him