So what happened with the "reducing CC" that was being looked into?

The recent knockbacks changes further CC effects, plus a couple of bug fixes to Orisa, Dva, Mercy and Doomfist all add to the pile… And I thought we were reducing CC effects?? Did that plan change?

I’m happy Baptiste doesn’t have CC, that’s good news.

Did you just forget hammonds entire kit?

-He can knock back people half a mile
-His piledriver locks you in place for 3 seconds
-When combo’d wiith PD his ult is a death sentance for any 200hp target

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Lol, as a matter of fact I did. The hamster tricked me with his cuteness.

They say a lot of things.

At this point it’s best to almost ignore what they say. Since a lot of it is just lip-service and PR.

The game balance and content comes down to one thing, how will this effect OWL viewership? If they see all the CC is hurting viewership numbers, they will change it.

I’d assume it will always be something the devs look at, especially given how many heroes already have cc.

That being said, i think the best solution they have to cc saturation is simply not adding heroes with it. Every time one is added, it “delutes” the cc in the game by giving players more alternatives to cc heroes.

So months have passed and CC is currently in its worst state ever in this game. Since November, after Blizzard said they were reducing CC, we got Coach Gun and Bob added, a knockback increase across the board, Seismisc Slam pullback increase, Rising Upercut cooldown buff, Seismic Slam cooldown buff, Dva, Orisa, Mercy and even Pharah are more affected by CC.

Now, Doomfist, he needed buffs, clearly, but couldn’t we have done that without adding CC to the game? He needs his CC? Okay I’ll go with that, but surely we should have other CC adjustments, right?

Nope. Apparently reducing means something different than I thought, It means the opposite, because we never had this much CC.

The knockback changes are really bananas, even the smallest CC is going to hit like a tornado and send you to Oz looking for the wizard. Zarya right clicks, Rein’s swings, Junk’s Primary all hit like crazy. Do these things even need to have CC in the first place?! They don’t even have cooldown, there’s no downside to spam them. Can we at the very least reduce those, please?

Speaking of Rein and Zarya, 5 out of 6 heroes in GOATS have CC. Rein comes with Shatter, his swing CC and even Charge, Zarya with Grav and right clicks, Brig has Bash and Flail, Lucio has his Boop and Dva her rocket boops.

Ana GOATS? Add Sleep to get 6 out of 6 heroes with CC. Winston GOATS? Primal and Jumpack for even more CC. Sombra GOATS? Hack. The variation of GOATS with least CC is what the SF Shock is running recently, when they swap Brig for Baptiste, even that comp has 4 out of 6 heroes with CC.

So GOATS isn’t just stacking healing, tanking, damage denial and defensive ults, they’re also stacking CCs. Wanna nerf GOATS without trashing the heroes for the ladder? Here’s a target: Reduce CC. Two birds one stone, you might actually improve the game for everyone else while addressing the meta.

Must Shatter hit around the payload? Wouldn’t it be easier to contest the payload with a non-GOATS comp if the payload provided some cover instead of being a Shatter trap you need to stand around?

What if heroes in Grav were CC immune so we don’t see CC chains like Grav+Bash+Shatter? What if Lucio’s boop used ammo again? Could Flail have reduced force? Does Rein’s primary need CC at all? Zarya’s can get to some high ground with her right clicks, fine, but does it need to affect enemies that strongly?

I realize none of these are ideal, I’m just throwing ideas off the top of my head, and none will fix GOATS or CC altogether, but the situation is dire and anything helps.

Alternatively, by itself, most CCs are fine and needed for various counterplay options, the problem arises when those CCs are used together, plus future heroes might have CC that fit very well into their designs, so simply nerfing CCs or never adding CC anymore isn’t a great solution. It’s too limiting to future heroes and also troublesome to balance, much like we have healing stacking now and nerfing those single healing sources wouldn’t be ideal because by themselves they are fine (it’s the stacking that is problematic).

Ideally I would love to see CC build up resistance: Upon being hit by CC, a hero is immune or at least resistant to CC for a period of time. Allows for every single CC to remain as effective, enables future hero to have CC without enabling CC stacking and address the obnoxious abundance of CC that currently exists.

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CC is a good thing, especially against Reinhard, I recommend playing something else if you don’t like that.

The irony is that Reinhardt’s kit is filled with CC.

Burst damage and burst healing is honestly more of a problem than CC.

There’s no shortage of problems, CC is just a big one they said was being looked at.

Play against a Mei, Doomfist and a Hog as a tank and then come tell me this. I quit playing that role even tho Reinhardt is my favorite character lore/personality wise because it stressed me out to a point of rage quitting mid matches.

Mccree’s flashbang is still unfair.

I flex play which means I am 90% either a tank or support. It is a rare day I enter a game and land on a team where both tanks AND supports are played.
From being solo gravd , solo nano bladed, to frozen then Mei ultd then pharah ultd, I have plenty of experiences being the primary target of abilities.
However, generally, I don’t care. Because I was just solo gravd and my team can win. Ana, sombra and hog just blew their long cooldowns for just me, and my team can go in.
CC, has never been an issue for me.

This isn’t about winning or losing, It’s about fun. Both team can stack CC and be as strong in that respect. It’s like having a thrower or a leaver, it stands to reason both team have the same odds of having one of those in their midst, but it still a problem because it’s annoying, regardless of who ultimately wins the battle.

It’s also not fun to die. Or die from a one shot. Or have my enemy run away with a slither of health …
CC is a function of the game I quite enjoy.
It’s opportunity. Not guaranteed . Allows strategy and not pure shoot shoot pew pew. I like that

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