So what happened to Lucio's boop?

Is it ever going to get fixed after the movement changes? There’s no reason why a character I booped (such as a Roadhog) should be able to magically float forward onto the platform when they should have been falling off the ledge.

Sometimes I’ve done it to someone lighter (such as DVa outside of MEKA) and it seems to not register at all. Is this a bug?

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It’s always been buggy like that. Don’t think it’ll ever be fixed.

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Maybe it’s related to the new movement changes?

I feel like it is related to the new changes, but I feel they should accommodate Lucio after having implemented it. Just seems like it is an unintentional nerf, and the inconsistency is annoying. Before a Symmetra gains on me and I could bump her away to gain space, now I have to pray that it registers.

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my man was right on the money

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