So what got YOU interested in the lore/story?

^ Uh oh… paragraph incoming :hot_face::hot_face:

I mean Genji was a part of old Overwatch… I think his soul-searching with Zen was what inspired him to come help out again. It’s not like him coming back is… totally random

And I agree with you that Sombra’s Eye conspiracy should technically connect her to everyone in the story. I would love to see them elaborate on that in the future

Genji was part of old Overwatch because they saved his life, but what burning reason does he have to join the new one. Who/what does Genji fight for? What drives his actions? Currently, it would seem that nothing. At the moment, Genji is there because…why not? I guess?

I think the same could be said for Echo, but we don’t know squat about her to begin with.

Brig is just there to look after Reinhardt, to me that was kind of ehhh… especially knowing how she really feels about Overwatch.

Maybe the job market’s been a little rough for a cyborg ninja that doesn’t want to join Talon or Helix? Lol

OW2 might go into it, since they’ve shown Zen in that one trailer didn’t they?
We’ve just known since Dragons that he’s picked Overwatch as his side (“The world is changing, and it’s time to pick a side.”)
granted, I think Winston/Mercy/Tracer being part of the new Overwatch helped in his decision (Specifically Mercy lawl)


Okay wait a minute… one of the few things I liked about Valkyrie was learning that Genji and Mercy’s decisions to join Overwatch again were entirely separate… Mercy joined because of Ana’s mini speech and helping those two Egyptian kids. Genji joined because [redacted info we havent learned yet but clearly he made the decision before Angela made hers]


I mean yeah, we don’t know anything about Echo either, so a lot of these complaints can be applied to her atm.

As much as I loved seeing Brig because of her design and personality in general, I also don’t care that much for her currently being part of OW. She’s like Tracer with Winston, Brig goes where Reinhardt goes.

Lmao Genji going back to OW because it was his best job prospect is actually a great head canon.

honestly i kinda forgot that valkyrie existed as a short story
oops that kinda screws with that last part lol
(but like didn’t mercy resent ana for like weaponizing her technology lol)

Why show Mercy going through a more gradual process of changing her mind about Overwatch when instead you can have it happen bc of two random kids she saves so that she can be in Paris for the cinematic.

That’s part of why she’s a better choice. Lucio is in anyway, but if I had to choose between Tracer and Lucio for this particular story, Tracer is the obvious choice.

Okay sure, Lucio’s backstory is more inspiring than Tracer’s, but that’s not really what people are thinking about in a present day conflict. Lucio’s conflict with Vishkar could be interesting, but it wouldn’t make sense to have the main plot focus on that.

Though honestly, I’m not a huge fan of Null Sector as the main antagonist group either. I didn’t care for the conflict in Uprising, and that hasn’t really changed. Aside from potentially fighting the giant robots and the guy at the end of Storm Rising, I’m more interested in Talon’s development as an antagonistic force than Null Sector’s.

Before Storm Rising, I might’ve agreed. But I liked Mercy’s portrayal in that.

Still, Mercy and Baptiste both struggle in that area, but I think Baptiste has one of the worst character designs in the game, where as Mercy has one of the best. That’s probably why I place her above Baptiste.

Well you sell Zarya pretty well, I’ll give you that. However, Tracer and Winston are still an important piece of the foundation as a character who is just trying to do what’s right. They want that positive message in their story.

Genji was friends with Mercy, Tracer, and Winston. He was disturbed by his cybernetic body, but he’s healed and now probably sees Overwatch like his family now. Could he use more motivation? Sure, but that’s really all he needs right now.

I’m sure we’ll see Sombra, but if we’re running that angle, it wouldn’t make sense to overexpose her.

I really need to learn how to block quote lmaoo

But the whole Brig thing of her just putting aside her obvious discontent with Overwatch because the old man she babysits for a living felt so strange. She had that voice interaction with Pharah where (even if it’s not canon it represents how she feels) she’s clearly bitter that Overwatch did… something to her mentor (forced retirement I believe?). And she contrasts Pharah in this way… she represents someone of the new generation of heroes that does not think Overwatch is all so great… or at least, she should have been, but all that was cast aside. (that tends to happen a lot in this story…)

and I don’t think Mercy even knew Ana was the one using her technology until now, she just saw Torb make that rifle with her nanotech. But yeah I mean… I suppose they should have shown her be more conflicted about it.

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i mean it doesn’t help that two dead people just showed up at her house and she was like
“ok” lmao :joy:

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I wasn’t a huge fan of them being included at all to be honest. The story could’ve functioned without them.

i thought baptiste would’ve been better to use tbh
like especially since (unless i read WYLB wrong) Immortality Field is a canon ability, but also i think baptiste/mercy interactions would be interesting and cmon blizz give my man some interactions in game it’s been almost a year now wack


Right now Brigitte feels like an accessory to Reinhardt and tbh I would be more mad about that if I had higher expectations. She could have still gone to Paris but expressed some misgivings about the organization, same with Mercy, but I guess that would have messed with the tone too much (so characterization was thrown out the window).

Man I want to see Pharah and Brigitte canonically interact so badly, but I just know I’ll have to wait until 2030 for Pharah to be introduced :sob:

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Valkyrie was kind of just another chapter of the Reyes/Amari/Morrison friendship triangle drama but from Mercy’s perspective. I deadass would have rather read a flashback paragraph of Mercy recounting her first date with Genji then that whole mini essay we got about Jack’s office like… what??? lol


Baptiste and Mercy interactions could be more interesting than their interactions with literally any other character, change my mind.

you and me: worry about whether the character whose entire backstory is based on wanting to join overwatch but reverse nepotism got in the way, whose voicelines are all about how its always been her dream to join overwatch and who is currently a high ranking official in the current world’s legal equivalent of overwatch will, in fact, join overwatch

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Like I could go on about why Pharah would be more interesting and fun to see in Overwatch than most of the current crew but then I’d automatically be accused of being a salty Pharmercy shipper lmao.

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Hey, I didn’t say that lmao.

Bro it’s fine I have an entire twitter account dedicated to talking about how much I love Pharah I don’t think it’s possible to go overboard there :rofl: I mean I wouldn’t object, and this is my thread :wink: