So we dont get any Solving of the Smurf Issue till 2022

Starting to think the only real solution is requiring SMS auth on the account like top500 accounts in order to play comp, and if you have multiple accounts setting one as “primary”. This might have the side effect of people taking QP more seriously if they can’t play comp on alt accounts. It’d also mean less sales of the game (on PC) so I don’t expect it to actually happen.


Correct, as far people have been discussing possibilities there have been some negatives among the solutions.

There Is no smurf issue git gud.

Considering your average sr is 2647. I would be quiet. Being plat is not gonna be a good indication of smurfs

I don’t play tank and dps, except when I’m tilted and want to frick around.

If Blizzard stopped handicapping competitive matches with MMR, that would solve the smurfing issue. More info here:


If MMR is removed then ranks won’t exist anymore.

All competitive games are reliant on an MMR system, because it tells where someone belongs and how much SR they should gain/lose.

Without it there is only SR, and SR doesn’t calculate anything.
Making SR calculate something makes it practically the new MMR making no change.

Also i’ve noticed some sort of petition in your previous post, i just want to let you know Blizzard doesn’t raise an eye for amount of votes.


how exactly would smurfing be solved if mmr was removed? please answer this, I personally believe removing the mmr and pbsr attached would make smurfing more prominent and easier to achieve, since throwing 1 match means you could stomp in the next and so on. The way you describe handicapping in that dead thread from 2+ years ago that you keep linking really isn’t relevant anymore.

Bottom line is, if you improve so does your MMR/SR, no improvement no change, deteriorating skill decreasing MMR/SR, it’s really not that difficult.

In other words, your post has absolutely nothing to help against smurfing, throwers, cheaters, etc, it’s all hypothetic with absolutely no proof to back it up.


Blizzard’s current response to smurfing is to have a $5-10 / game sale every 2 months…


In my opinion, battling smurfs shouldn’t always have to restrict the normal users.

My point was they encourage it.

Match Making Rating (MMR) relates to the handicapping system, not to rank (Skill Rating [SR]).

Good for you “noticing” the poll numbers that I cite at the top of my post. But why do you think Blizzard is justified in ignoring the overwhelming consensus of players polled in my threads?

Its likely with activision at the helm that jeff and scotts hands are entirely tied as far as smurfing and match making go.

It’s their game? They will run it how they want. Also, dont ignore my question, the same one I’ve asked you in 4 different threads.

Tbh that’s just assuming.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Blizzard were to ignore that idea if completely honest.
In my opinion i find it pretty stupid.

MMR could be an extremely long number (e.c 1.847272858757217) which really doesn’t help reading your rank.
SR is practically that number but visible.

MMR also decides how much SR you should gain or lose, meaning it actually would be more precise balancing you in the correct ranking.

Removing the MMR system means that the game will be completely win/loss based.
This can make it easier to throw down to a ranking, won’t be able to compensate for stomps and technical disconnects.
Also makes it much easier to get boosted.

I don’t see how removing the MMR system, which every multiplayer FPS uses will get rid of the smurfing issue.

If a certain amount of users want something, then it doesn’t mean it should be actually done.


You’re right that MMR is probably not expressed in any kind of number that resembles SR. But your assumption that MMR is a single number is probably wrong, and you are definitely wrong about how those numbers function.

MMR and SR are not different versions of the same thing. SR is rank, MMR is a collection of skill-metrics used for handicapping. Please read my post and the quotation from Scott Mercer which explains this:

Yes, MMR is probably used for SR adjustment, but that doesn’t make it the same thing as SR. The fact that they are distinct systems proves the opposite: SR and MMR are not the same thing.

I can explain to you how removing MMR would fix the smurfing problem, but first you need to understand that it is not the same thing as SR. It’s also explained in my “stupid” thread, which you would know if you had read it. Get back to me if you ever see the light on this.

If you have lost faith in democracy, like many Americans have in the last 4 years, consider that the U.S.A. is not a true democracy. The American system of government is rigged to hell, and ostensibly undemocratic. Democracy is the best way of making decisions that affect a lot of people.

Blizzard should value the opinions of their customers. Consumers deserve protection against Blizzard’s oppressive corporate behaviour, just as voters deserve protection against the corporate oligarchs who own their media and politicians.


I think Cuthbert might be ignoring you. I feel as though I might be able to answer your question, the real question is, can you have an open mind to my response?

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I’ll chime in because I don’t mean to ignore anybody. Removing MMR would solve smurfing because it would remove the handicapping system that most smurfs are tying to circumvent. And it would also allow the SR system to differentiate players by skill, sorting them into ranks according to their record of wins/losses, which is another reason there are so many high-skilled players in the lower ranks, who are often referred to as ‘smurfs’ whether or not they are actually smurfing.

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Yes I will take your answer with an open mind, I like having intellectual conversations, and is part of the reason why I keep asking Cuthbert for an answer to my question, as it seems he/she thinks things through and gives a well thought out explanation.

I simply can’t see this solving the problem at hand, if MMR/PBSR was removed I believe it would be easier for the smurfs to drop or raise rank as they want, as they would only need to throw or hard carry, granted this would move some players up and down to where they belong faster, but the smurfs would have a heyday with the removal, just my opinion.

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