So we are quite likely getting 1-3-2 - all I can say is UGH

Watch the Sty video with Jeff’s comments where he heavily implies it in OW 2.

Yes, because the devs word for word saying “The experiment is over, that’s it for 132” and Jeff saying “role queue as it is will stay in overwatch” definitely means we’re getting 132. Where do you people get this stuff from?


Propably from clickbait youtubers.


it felt bad because the balance were whack and they’re still experimenting right?

Zarya for example felt amazing during 1-3-2.

No he didn’t. He says they are keeping it as is.


Weirdly, I think there’s so much good about the 3-2-1 experiment, but I don’t feel comfortable pushing it live in 2020. What Overwatch 2 becomes for us is another great opportunity, it’s a moment where people expect and are hoping for radical change. This is what a sequel is all about, “you’re not just gonna give us the same game, right”? So as developers, I think we can all be excited about the opportunity that Overwatch 2 brings for “okay, it’s time. We’ve been playing the same game for many years now. It’s time to move on to the next thing”.

As a 1500 hour Tank Main I still think that 1/3/2 is a horrible idea.

I can’t duo Q with my Tank buddies anymore and all the fights are going to be about who shuts down the other teams Tank first.

If 1/3/2 is ever going to happen I’ll switch over to DPS :woman_shrugging:


A) 132 doesnt mean you have to get rid of 222
B) none of that statement means theyre doing it…hell you can easily question if he was even talking about 132 there with the OW2 part

its so weird how people can overthink and underthink different parts of the same statement…


We all make mistakes in the heat of passion Jimbo Baja


If 1-3-2 is the case, so be it.

I’ll miss the tank synergies and the hours I put into the class. The process will develop new gameplay and shorten damage queue. It’s still probably better than classic overwatch, which devolved into games with no healers or 5 mercy mains on the same team.

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132? The glorified team death match?

Where your tank is the only one trying to set up space on the objective while your DPS are somewhere else on crazy flanks and 1v1s and your supports divided between healing those spread DPS or healing the tank on the objective while hiding from exposure and flankers?


If you listen to Jeff he is notorious for this kind of leading response and statements, like "not in 2020"is often his code for either saying expect it, or a way of saying we are still interested in it.

Yeah if they go that route I’m done with tanking, I still wake up in a cold sweat screaming from the experience of 1-3-2… I am sure I won’t be alone in quitting it.


That’s Blizzspeak, I would say it’s likely that they’re doing it.

Role queue had similar comments before it as well while it was in development. It’s how the team gets preemptive feedback and tries to address concerns before the thing goes out in the world.

I loathed it, but it is what it is.


Look back at how Jeff phrases and introduces things… I think you might have more concern after that. You don’t say things like “There were so many good things” without tempering a statement like that. He’s a tank main at heart, I think he might like the heroic element of one slightly buffed tank trying to carry. Literally, a move like that will cut the tank players in half I bet.

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I honestly doubt that there will be a major effect on the DPS Q.
Not a single one of the Tank players in my friend list liked 1/3/2 and on the forums the Support players hated it just as much (if not even more) than the Tank players.
If 1/3/2 is coming, many Tanks/Supports will switch to DPS or quit the game entirely.

You can’t fix the DPS Q times by putting off the few Tank players who are still left and giving the ones who quit a good reason to NOT return for OW2.


It’s Blizz-logic… cant see the forest for the trees often.

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Hey he never said that. We might be getting 2-3-2! We don’t know.


I thought about that, but the problem is all the maps are designed for 12 players…

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read A again…you dont have to make it an absolute thing…you dont know what “good things” hes talking about either…how do you know hes not for example talking about some of the tank changes they made…

its not always doom and gloom man

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Keep pushing the agenda of 1-3-2 in the forums I bet it comes true

Tried my best to be open minded. The tank queue’s were actually kind of long so I put off playing tank.

As a Winston, Rein, it wasn’t bad. Zarya was strong.
I never played Dva. Didn’t feel like a good pick. I still really like her for taking 2 CP maps, but I’m skeptical of her viability in 1-3-2. It’ll be interesting to see the roll out, especially if it includes a few additional launch heroes.