So, They Removed My Favorite Map (...)

The story of Paris and HLC

Community: I love this map!

Random losing streamer: Its unbalanced!

Community: Its unbalanced!



As I just said in another thread, I really detest the King of the Hill mode. (Can’t remember what the OW term is - maybe Control?)

But I really enjoy 2CP and Payload (and Hybrid). They were my favourite type in my TF2 days, a game I played for 9 years - I hated KotH there too. :rofl: But at least the community servers I played on had map voting and I had a chance of influencing the choice, or I could join servers with a Payload only rotation.

2CP is being removed in OW2 so a rework to the maps would be a waste of resources. They might reuse the assets in future maps though. Jeff’s hypothetical was a payload map on the opposite side of the Anibis pyramid.

The biggest reason everyone likes King’s Row so much is that it is the only map in the game on which every hero is viable. No single hero is ‘bad’ on King’s Row, and no single hero is better than any other on King’s Row just by virtue of the map design because it has something for everyone.

Sniper perches, multiple levels of high ground, tons of stairs and ramps for people without vertical mobility to reach the high ground, oodles of flanking routes, long sightlines, a lot of areas with small rooms and corridors for close-quarter-combat heroes, a high skybox with tons of aerial cover, and even some pits/holes for environmental kills. It seems like an average map to you because it’s really the base of what all maps should be.

I hope that they take these maps and completely rework them to make them payload maps. Basically, only the theme/location will be the same.

I disagree, Rein/Zar are very strong on the map, but dive, not so much, I’d argue Hollywood is much more balanced in that specific area, I don’t really feel like I need to play any specific characters on Hollywood

I find when the payload gets stalled right before the second checkpoint that the games turn into a walking simulator when you die no matter what side youre on

It’s really not that high though, I find Pharah to be very mediocre on Kings, especially with Widow being so prominent

You can still play it in custom games. It’s not like Bliz removed it from the game.

I mean I’m a 400+ hour Pharah main and it’s by far my favorite map to play on her, especially with Widow being so prominent :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s tons of cover for me to hide behind and she only takes two shots to kill. I’ve got great corners, signs that provide physical barriers up on the edges of buildings, trees to duck behind, and plenty of spots where I can go up and over rooftops to surprise the hell out of her. I mean Widow isn’t going to do much if I’m 3 feet away putting rockets into her face is she? :stuck_out_tongue:

I think that depends entirely on what you’re up against and whether you’re on attack or defense.

Well Hollywood is much like King’s Row in the way that it’s designed. So is Blizzard World, but both of those maps also have some areas that are a little bit more open horizontally.

Really I find the hybrid maps are my favorites in general, particularly as a Pharah main.

They are getting rid of 2cp anyways, so in a way doesnt really matter.

Though i feel like 2cp will maybe be implemented maybe as an arcade mode maybe.

False. They knew it was balanced. It was deemed terrible by players.

It’s sad how you couldn’t be more wrong.

Stop saying community it is a vocal minority of the minority that even uses the forums. With out a proper survey baked into the game we will never know. Hell one player with big enough pockets could have made the change happen.

I mean, it’s kinda both. It’s unbalanced and I loved it anyway. HLC was such a unique map…

I honestly didn’t mind Horizon Lunar Colony so I was kind of sad to see it go. It wasn’t the best map gameplay wise but it was still super fun, especially with its variety of perches to Sniper from since I main Widow. I really hope they rework and redesign those maps so we can have them back. They might not have been really good, but aesthetically they were awesome.