So, the new defense

No, because then we’d get everything for 10$… at least for a while. With the current system you have to pay and grind and pay and grind. They ruined the game.


i think if we came back to a box price, like full circle, i would laugh so hard i’d decimate my respiratory system. my lungs would be dust. trachea lookin like a cheeto someone stepped on


Skins don’t matter! Just remember that as they monetize the :poop: out of every single skin and cosmetic item.


…I play games for the gameplay usually? :thinking:

Unsure why other people are upset as the core gameplay of OW2 seems mainly untouched (besides Kiriko which will unlock for free simply by playing the game anyway)… :wink:


Then the shills would say that this is what they wanted all along.


Someone confirmed through play testing that it will take over 100 games to get to that point.

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LMFAO I literally love every single thing you post


…and? How does that change the point I made? :wink:

Some people dont spend their lives in this game playing QP/ arcade / comp.

Personally, I play 10 games a week at max. also those stats are with the 20% BP XP boost.


That’s exactly the issue. Since nothing is really new in terms of gameplay, it doesn’t call for that kind of aggressive monetization. Let’s remember Overwatch is a 6-year old game.

Focusing on the gameplay should be the priority (having lots of new game modes etc…)… Battle Passes and bundle skins should be secondary or tertiary.


Ah, no, see, with the current system, if you don’t pay, you’re instead merely NPCs for the payers to play against. Your job, as a non-payer, is to fix the queue times by queuing support, play the characters no-one wants to play, and go “Whoooooa” at their $20 skin and make them feel all cool.

Remember Activisions Patent for pitting payers against F2Ps?


The game is fun and nobody except a bunch of doomers cares about some bullcrap that does not matter.

The team with the best skins win.

The meme will finally be true. It truly will be P2W.

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yeah something like that

The doomers are on here. The doomers are on Twitter. The doomers are on YT. The doomers are on Reddit. The doomers are currently writing their reviews.

I guess everyone is a doomer then because the general consensus is that this game is a joke.


Try and understand that people like this game a lot and they’re simply sad and disappointed in the direction it’s taking. They’ll fight for it a few months, it’s completely normal and if it doesn’t change, don’t worry they will be gone soon.

But keep in mind that among current OW2 praisers, some of them will become “doomers” as well in a few months, if things keep getting worse.

You shouldn’t be targeting people for feeling this way, yet people that are responsible for disappointing a great amount of players.


You should always play for the game, that has never changed.


no, what’s changed is the alt you’re posting from

Thing is that many things contribute to a game
The gameplay might be good (despite so far being the most bias balance we’ve had so far)

But cosmetics being the only progression on overwatch being suddenly locked behind EXTREMELY slow grinding or a pay wall is straight up bad design

Imagine if in elden ring you could only use 1 “build” and the rest were behind a $20 lock each
What if inscryption had their cards locked behind $5 each

Too gameplay heavy? Aight what if Fortnite double it’s prices
Fortnite doesn’t charge off $3 for a damn spray

And just overall a lot more… I should honestly just make a post about it lmao, thing is

If the cosmetics are gonna be so overpriced, might as well not have them, it’s better to not include a feature than to include a poorly thought-out feature

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At this point, i wouldnt be shocked if we got the same system that The Culling got.

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