So the "legendaries on a scale we've never done"

So if i went by your silly logic its wrong to question the legitimacy of said seed?

Im asking the question(s):

What if the seed doesnt grow a tasty fruit?

The seed has already started sprouting poop buds, how can you still tell me it will be tasty?

Did you know the person planting the fruit has a history of selling fraudulent seeds?

Yes keep puffing that copium but i will critize when they try to sell me heaven knowing its at best a day dream.

Only three months in? Yes. Not “wrong” though, just completely nonsensical.


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We’re going into month 5 when this was announced

Almost half a year later and we’ve only seen reskins and maybe 2 OWL skins.

It’s ok, you can put 2 and 2 together and see where this is going. Others have already.

For the record, this is the actual source:

5 months in to a 12 month deadline and you’re already jumping to conclusions :joy:

Look if you wanna whinge and cry that Santa hasn’t gotten you any presents yet even though it’s only May, by all means publicly present yourself that way. But don’t expect me to coddle you and pretend that that makes even the slightest bit of sense.

Yeah, myself and plenty of others have actually used our brains and put two and two together. Or do you think these betas are just for show? :joy:


Oh please, this the only response you guys ever have to pointing out the glaring flaws in your hastily constructed, knee-jerk reactionary threads over the developers failing to fulfill your entitled need for instant gratification…

Yes, I’m “boot licking” by pointing out that a promise they made for the year shouldn’t be expected to be fulfilled less than halfway through the year, totally…
But seriously, no… If it were late December right now, then you wouldn’t hear anything critical from me in response to the subject of this thread, but then again, you already knew that, didn’t you? After all, this is merely you lashing out at me for pointing out just how childish this mentality really is.
Honestly, it’s like a kid coming home from school at 3:00pm then complaining amongst their friends online that there parents lied about making dinner tonight based on the fact that they haven’t prepared it yet.

Here’s a better idea, a bit of wisdom which will certainly help you later in life if you’re humble enough to accept it… When someone corrects you on something or points out that you’re making a fool of yourself by acting immature, then don’t further humiliate yourself by trying to make weak, unsubstantiated ad-hominem statements in response. Nobody ever walks away from that looking good.

Be patient, wait until later in the year, October at least, and if Blizzard hasn’t begun adding new Legendaries by then, feel free to complain to your heart’s content.

Your whole response is the reason why OW2 will fail.

The fact that you don’t know the difference between reading between the lines and rather blindly follow an idea is insane.

I don’t see how almost half a year is a knee jerk reaction, given the fact that they have had a history of hyping something up and it be a total let down.

I for one would rather get my disappointment out the way now than later when everyone realize that the phrasing of the post was to lead people on to believing we were getting a big thing.

I thought that Nintendo had some horrible stans but this is ridiculous now.

Wait…please don’t tell me you are a Nintendo stan too are you?

You mean the downgraded Overwatch 2.0 game version that we had for a few weeks and that half the playerbase didn’t like and barely played after the first week ?

Yeah, no thanks. Have fun there though.

Didnt only 9% prefer OW1 in the largest poll taken lol

Im sorry you are mad, but 6v6 will be deleted forever and I will dance in the rain to celebrate.

It doesn’t mean much. We’ll see how many players will stick to PVP 2.0 when it’s out (if it’s anything close to what we experienced on the beta).

Not mad, just concerned about Blizzard ruining a game and trying to compete against games that have business models they have never experienced on any of their games so far.

I have nothing against what they’re trying to do with PVP 2.0 but taking 70-80 % of OW1 game design while wanting another direction isn’t very steady. They should have started something from scratch and make separate PVP games.

I’m not sure the OW1 games modes and roles will be sustainable for PVP 2.0. All of this should be completely reworked and I’m sure they will overtime. In my opinion, it would be more logical not to rush it as it will draw people away during the slow reworking that will last 1-2 years minimum.

Good thing if it makes you dance, send me a video :slight_smile: ! As far as I’m concerned, I have respect for work integrity and ethics in general and releasing something labelled as something new when it’s not, while ruining a stable game design in the process, is not what I would call “a success”. I mean, everyone can copy-paste a former work they’ve done and modify it a bit to make it feel fresh. It doesn’t mean it deserves to be praised.

But I guess everyone has their standards.

That’s right. Baby formula is a priceless commodity in third-world nations…

I understand you have your doubts

But its best to leave this one to the professionals

Here is the trick… The scale can also go downwards too.

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The truly sad part is that something inside of me HOPES for that - then I finally have a reason to actually quit Actiblizz games for good and never come back.

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they did say the recolors wasn’t it and tbh there’s still half a year to go so just give them some time and if they don’t fulfill that promise just add another disappointment ball to the ball pit which is quite full already

I laughed out loud at this one.

:rofl: :rofl:

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The professionals most of you people didn’t trust for OW1. All I’m saying is that “OW2” should start with something fresh (reworking all heroes, scrap roles, rework the game modes and maps).

I’m not sure re-using the same design from OW1 for a new direction of the game will work. It’s gonna be confusing to have a mix of both games. Some players will still play it the same way they played OW1, others will be more aggressive and all it’s gonna do is make people rant over the forums because they can’t climb in Competitive.

I can see that a lot of people on the forums think they will magically rank up on PVP 2.0 but I think it’s pretty delusional. Most of our ranks will remain the same, unless putting a lot of hours into playing the game (which is usually what works the best).

You dont need to be sure. There are people whose paychecks rely on it working who need to be sure.

True but that doesn’t mean they’ll succeed for PVP Overwatch. Those people whose paychecks rely on it can work on other projects. PVE is one of them and even if PVP 2.0 fails, they can still make another game from the same universe. Overwatch is such a rich franchise that have many possibilities.

That’s why the Beta was a let-down to me. It could have been so much more. It still can :slight_smile: !