So... The cheating problem

I’m absolutely stunned at how bad the cheating problem is growing again… Maybe 3-6 months ago I’d catch cheaters maybe a few times a week.

Now I’m catching 3-5 different aimbot cases nightly. (Watching replays, reporting to blizzard, and getting the thanks for reporting cheating message each time)

It’s beyond blatant that there’s a cheating problem going on, but good lord it’s a pain to even play right now because it’s no longer overwatch and more like “Catch the cheater” watch.

These experiences are coming from Silver-High Plat ranks across 3 accounts and with/without friends. To be completely unbiased we go back and rewatch the replays to see the persons perspective.


I played Open Queue last week (diamond) and I’ve encountered cheaters duo (Baptiste, Soldier) for the first time in year and half. Both of them were smurf accounts.

In the last month I’ve gotten over 20 “thank you for reporting” messages. I only report suspected cheaters. It has gotten terrible. I stepped away from the game for a long time, since season 7 but I come back and almost every match has an aimbotter, sometimes duos. Really makes me not want to buy OW2 because of my low faith in their anticheat.


I’m more suspicious about wallhacks at the moment.

i played a game recently, where both DPS were actual bots. moved at the same time and in the same direction…i had seen videos online of that, but never experienced it in a game personally. but wow, did it ruin the game, the other 4 people on my team just sat in spawn, good thing i grabbed a beer and a joint


I’ve seen these too, but they’re often used in combination with aimlocks in my experience, at least for OW. Too many times have I caught someone in a replay snapping through walls to a character in my spawn. Pretty funny, at this point.

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Maybe they recruited you to be some kind of agent. They’re shipping you into cheater matches nonstop to get your expert flag/report. You can’t put it past them. They rig their games.

It’s not just aimbots, it’s also scripts of different kinds, from basic “block projectiles with barrier flick” as Rein to frame-perfect auto-combos for Doomfist. It’s not just Silver or Plat, it happens in Diamond too, and its even worse since you can’t tell for sure if someone cheats - unless it’s really obvious (hard aimlocks) or the player has godlike aim but awful gamesense or positioning.

Hopefully they’ll find a solution to this problem. Before OW2 gets released.

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You have a better chance of being struck by lightning while winning the powerball while being run over by a cow driving a volvo.


Hey man Volvo’s are relatively safe cars. Your example seems a little too unlikely.


I was talking about this years ago when it wasn’t nearly this bad for higher ranks but kept getting shut down with the “I’ve been playing for X years and I’ve only seen 3” and people focusing on my rank rather than the actual problem. And still do. It’s especially bad in Bronze and Silver.

But the problem with it being that bad at those ranks is that they just have to keep playing with a higher win rate anyway and climb up into higher ranks. And this is what I expected would happen.

Now people are finally noticing. But it’s far, far too late. You look up examples of cheaters and you just end up finding more software being released constantly.

This really ramped up out of control with private profiles in season 11 and this is the results of trying to put out a molten core with a duper damper.

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You should play on console. The cheating problem is out of control with smurfs in virtually every single match.

Ah, I see you’re part of the problem on PC.

Worst thing Blizzard did with this game was allow multiple accounts, because people like you then took advantage of that to have multiple accounts across multiple ranks with apparent disregard for the impact your poor choice has on other player’s matches.

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I have played on console, but that was before I really invested into Overwatch to notice things.

Having multiple accounts however is not the issue. I’m a clean player, and I have the other accounts to play with my friends and girlfriend who can’t currently play with my main account in competitive. In accordance with that thought, it also allows me to play and learn new characters playstyles in competitive environments.

For instance; on my main account I am a Torb/Hanzo main, and I never touched doomfist, never knew how to play him worth a dime. Started practicing on my alternate account by myself, rose that account from 1700 to 2400 in about a week, while studying videos and replays.

While I would have better gamesense and positioning than a silver player, my doom mechanical skill was terrible, now its rising slowly.

Aside from this, this is talking about cheating. People who are using aim-assisting cheats, vision assisting cheats, among whatever else exists that we aren’t aware of. Not smurfs. I’d rather have 3-5 smurfs a night rather than cheaters. At least you can learn to improve that way, frustrating as it may be.

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Competitive is not the place for learning new heroes.

It’s also not the place to group with lower ranked friends.

Stop making excuses for cheating, as that’s all smurfing is.

Smurfing isn’t cheating, smurfs are not perfect players that never miss a shot, smurfs are not players that have extensive knowledge of where you are even through walls, smurfs are actual, real players who are just better than you at Overwatch. If you wish to climb in competitive, in any game much less OW, you’re going to face smurfs, and you’ll have to beat them.

Actual cheating is a problem in OW. I do not want to continue to get in games with players that lock onto my head through 5 walls into my spawn. Deflecting the issue into a decry of smurfs is little more than a attempt to discourse the purpose of the thread.


hahaha i love the idea that most people rage at cheaters, but you just set up to watch the show LUL.

Blizzard says otherwise.

Ok ok I have a plan everyone listen so if u find a cheater REPORT THEM!! this isn’t how it works in console tho because I report someone and 6 months later 0 reply or ANYTHING I’m starting to think ow don’t read/look at console reports