So the April fools D.Va "buff" made it to live

So as soon as we can play competitive games with the same 5 teammates every game, with guaranteed comms for 8 hours a day - every day, she’ll be balanced?

Good to know.

…or we could stop pretending that OWL resembles the live game in any reasonable way and balance the game that people actually play. How about that? It’s not even a matter of ‘just git gud’ - it’s literally impossible to play the game ‘OWL-style’ on ladder, even at Top 500.


Top 500 ladder in Asia is legit running lots of dive comps like dva, winston, hammond while NA/EU is running Rein/Zarya.

OWL is running lots of dva/winston/rein/zarya mixture as well. Its hilarious how balanced it is that everyone is seeing usage.

Now, if you want to go and say top 500 ladder in asia is playing 8hr with the same people every day I highly doubt it.

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It is. Its amazing. I can see it… a mccree nerf! We’re almost there :confounded::persevere:


Honestly, Proper Mccree nerfs say -25 hp and reload speed revert would make fighting him bearable again.

He’s stupid strong as it stands. Oh you’re a tank? Flashbang-FTH-roll-FTH-dead.

Give mccree nerfs + Dva buffs to
DM and the game wouldn’t be so riddled with outliers. Nothing sucks worse than being perfectly in range of mccree while he ults just to have a single bullet of his go through that kills your support.


Are you new here?
Blizzard often buffs or nerfs heroes that don’t actually address their problems. Been that way since launch.


This helps eliminate forced staggers by body blocking.

It’s at least positive and something that did need to be adressed

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It really doesn’t.

If you call that MEKA on the Hog and Orisa body blocking, hooking and CCing you, all that will happen is, that you feed them another 1100 health worth of ult charge (600 from the MEKA and 500 from the damage) and get staggered even longer.


I wonder if they do it on purpose. When a hero needs an urgent change, nothing happens for several patches and when they finally decide to buff/nerf them it is always the wrong thing or something obscure that doesn’t change anything.

Also idk why the mech kill was taken away on the first place just to bring it back again.


I legitamately want to know if Grav - Mech will become a thing. It’s 250 damage of instant unblockable damage. Not even Trans or Shields can save you… Of course you have to get into melee range as a frail teenage girl first.

I love the flavor text they gave it, saying it was to prevent stagger. But it will do NO SUCH THING, I mean stagger doesn’t revolve around letting her get mech in the first place. I’d love if they did add something that did what the flavor text implies but this is not it.

What they HAVE done, is give D.Va a second game winning ultimate, and one that charges in 15 seconds. Now demeching isn’t even a disadvantage, I would be surprised if intentionally demeching isn’t a new meta. Think about it, first fight D.Va tosses her mech in and gets call mech up before anyone else hits 30% on their ultimate and thats 250 hp gone from the enemy team, all you need is Zarya bubble. This is crazy that they even considered it.

Re-added because I feel this is the right discussion to post this in.

Of course it will, like you said its unblockable. In most cases a Zarya bubble will be enough to get her in range, which you already have a Zarya for grav so you aren’t adding anything, not to mention the possibility of immortality field. Then there’s also anytime D.Va holds high ground. Zarya gravs below the high ground and she can call mech over the edge to kill the team. It’s a full blown ultimate rn, and she already has one.

You can’t compare OWL to Ladder man. Dva was a throw pick for years on Ladder (except for 3 weeks last year). She’s ok right now but Rein Zarya or Winston Zarya is more effective at winning than playing Dva. The reason she’s played so much in OWL is cause you know they uhhhh professionally 6 stack and scrim 5 to 6 days a week 8+ hours a day so the communication is there to be able to play Dva cause everyone can play with and follow up on her kit and get value where as on Ladder you can only 2 stack in GM and there’s little to no comms like OWL therefore, Dva is almost useless cause she’s just an ult battery and no one knows how to play around her. Which is why OWL needs to have separate balance patches than Ladder. Also, being able to contest high ground and peel is huge in the league which is why they run Dva cause once again the high level comms are there.


Probably because staggering limits’s survivability, so that’s why it went live.

This wouldn’t do anything to prevent stagger though. What they SHOULD do (a thought I just had) let baby D.Va return to base. Give her like an emergency return to base so she doesn’t have to run around trying to kill herself when she’s the last person alive. If they add the caveat that upon returning she gets mech back but the same timer as a death timer, it would be the same as a “suicide button” preventing stagger and ultimate gain off her baby form.

I would like to add the fact that she is the most popular hero in the game. Why does that matter for OWL or ladder play?

Simple just like the larger portion of the playing population its more likely to encounter a high ranking player who is a bug fan over other heroes. And when you are a fan of something you go out of your way to get it to work even if it’s not the best. And I would argue alot of her usage comes from people simply being top players who happen to like and have practiced her more than other charcters.

this isn’t really a problem I see this as a purposeful drawback of not dying when your mech goes away

this I agree with
I think buff matrix by 2-3 meters then change its UI look because it is really hard to tell what you are swallowing

Welcome to what Mei’s have had to deal with since launch with our walls. Only now they broke it even more because it TP’s people ontop of and through our walls now aswell as projectiles.
Don’t expect them to fix it because they wont.

Would need a massive stun range reduction and slight reduction in stun time still, tbh.

I just had my first DVA mech-call double kill with this change, lol. Even made the POTG :).

Replay code: WCAP86, right around the 2:30-2:35 mark. Just quick play, but still was a total LMAO moment, LOL.

It’s because OWL players will screech if D.Va is relevant because they play her as a DM bot.

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