So... Symmetra is useless against shields, kind of ironic

I mean, yeah but she’s better in a lot more things now.

In case I wasn’t clear, “out in the open” here refers to not using any sort of cover of your own while slamming your face into an enemy barrier.

lets stop pretending were playing competitive where team work exists, were talking quick play, tanks are not communicating, rhines are charging away from the people using there shields, orisas shields are not being put right in front of other tanks. this is largely a 1v1 or 2v2 affair with everyone mostly doing there own thing, largely with no voice chat, caring mostly about getting kills or practicing there fave character without worrying about the complexities of team comp and strats. in this, sym is not working well, and in competitive, she still does not have anything to replace the current meta. and if you want a shield melt, bastion can sit far away from danger and still destroy shields.

Her alternate fire does 120 easy, nearly unmissable damage to barriers, that’s pretty damn great at burning down barriers, and it can be used from half the map away. And when you get close, the barriers are by far the easiest and fastest way to ramp up her primary fire damage, so she can punish tanks up close as well. Now, whether her primary fire needs a slight buff is another matter, but you can’t really argue that Symmetra isn’t effective against tanks.

If you create a worst possible scenario where teammates aren’t playing as a team any hero would start to look bad.

I honestly can’t tell if this is a joke or not. Every time I’ve played the new Symmetra I’ve done great against shields.

The only way I can imagine this being serious is if you tried going at an Orisa behind a shield with her team all by yourself. Then yeah, Symmetra’s not gonna do a great job.


you’re gonna LOVE her ultimate when:
A McCree ults
A Soldier ults
A Roadhog ults
A ults
A Bastion ults
A Torb ults
Do you get where I’m going at?

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So a map set inside the Ilios well :thinking:?

She’s the only dps besides widow who doesn’t have a dps ult

And her kit and gun don’t offer good dps to compete with other dps heroes

And instead of having an ult that makes up for the lack of dps she gets a tank ult

That just makes her fit into team comps even less

Just get closer lel
20 char

but she gains ammo while fighting shields

no more autoaim thanks God :slight_smile: now enjoy sym mwoahaha

You mean her team and her own team’s shield just needs to get her close to the enemy for her to make use of her beam range. She even has a teleporter than can move her team around with her if placed strategically, for goodness sake! XD

I would have preferred keeping Sym 2.0 and adjusting her lock on targetting to require far more aim. Sym 3.0 isn’t awful, but she’s certainly different. The right click is extremely reliable, and I’ve gotten far more distance kills and several solid tracer kills with it.

That said, her m1 kinda sucks. I play a solid amount of Zarya, and Sym 3.0’s m1 just feels extremely short and charges extremely slow. If you don’t open with a m2 even while flanking, you’re in trouble. The range/slow charge time also hinders your ability to use shields to charge up the damage.

Oddly, they’ve managed to make her more situational. I used to rarely run into times where I thought, man, Sym just isn’t working. Now, I’ve run into several situations where I immediately go, “Yeah, this really, really isn’t working” and switch, even though it’s QP.

Turrets are a good change, but the hitbox can get stuck onto ledges close to you and sometimes don’t feel reliable on tight shots. Teleporter aiming is also screwy. Try putting a tp on a ledge in King’s Row, and you have to aim exactly X ft above the ledge. Otherwise, it thinks you’re pointing to the street or the sky. Streets with undulations have the same problem. Just doesn’t feel intuitive.

Ult. Eh. It’s not terrible, but not a DPS ult. It’s more like a support ult imo, especially when it’s being used as Deadeye/Bomb/Whole Hog/etc counters. Blocking the entire map does have some neat advantages though. We were 99/99 in OT on Sanctum, and I died while getting ult. From spawn, I turned the shield down the length of the map,split the point in half for my team, and we won. Kinda cool.

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Because she’s still not really a full dps. She’s still supportive. Her usefulness isn’t solely on her dps. She can create teleporters and throw sentries that are actually more deadly now.

Just ignore the category for the most part.