So... Sojurn, interesting choice

uhm… I appreciate we’ll be getting a new hero after 2 years but the last hero released was Echo, a DPS… naturally they’re using Sojurn because she’s been ready for quite a while now but come on guys, we get also reworks for orisa and possibly a tank doomfist plus bastion and sombra… but no supports

I understand supports are hard to get right and they have warped the game back and forth many many times but I think the role should get a bit more attention…


We get Sojourn: What? Another DPS? Come on!!
We don’t get Sojourn: What about Sojourn? You showed her off 2 years ago, why isn’t she ready?

People would complain either way.


This decision was effectively made way back at the announcement of OW2. Sojourn was revealed before Echo was released. It would be weird for Sojourn not to be the first hero made available to the public.


I understand that but they must have more than just sojurn ready… I mean I appreciate that they chose to at least show sojurn but… I mean, I’m not a support only player I’m just curious as to how the role will change but there’s nothing outside of Mercy’s and Lucio’s looks lol

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There are other options. Like, release Sojourn AND maybe one of the other things they’ve done in the 2 years they’ve been starving us.


there will be other heroes after but I do think that using sojurn as the first one is just… I dunno


i mean, its a beta and there are many more heroes to come.


We will get more heroes and maps in later betas and in the full release. Sojourn is not the only thing we’re getting. More patience is required.


I bet if they had 3 heroes, as the leaks suggested, there would be FAR less complaints. But I am not a PR expert in the same vein as Blizzard. They are the professionals at avoiding controversy, not me.


Many, huh? You ready to be disappointed?

More game is required, actually. Has been for 2 years.


You remove: Sojourn.

We Receive: D.Mon


My guess would be they don’t want to release multiple characters at once because first of all, it would mean there’s less hype for future betas and secondly, it would turn OWL into a mess if they have to learn multiple new characters very quickly.

I would guess they probably have 1 or 2 other characters ready to go, but it would be weird if they only throw one character in the beta and it wasn’t Sojourn who we’ve known about for ages. This also means they could do character announcements in-between betas to show other new heroes and drum up excitement.


This is what the people want. Give the people what they want. Also drop her before OW2 so we can have a short while of two mekka meta before it’s lost forever.

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There are more Beta “updates?” coming, so we WILL see more heroes

Its just that Sojourn is the only new hero that has been announced thus far.

Imagine them dropping a hero which we have never seen before or heard, and blizz completely negates to include sojourn until full release, people would go mad;
Give us Sojourn, where is she, i need to play around with her abilities, etc etc


We’re not “getting” a new hero

We’re getting a beta for a new game. And they decided to include the already-revealed DPS that we’ve known about since Storm Rising was first created, for the closed beta,

and will be including more heroes in the public beta later this year


exactamundo, you hit the proverbial nail on the head

It’s easier to make new DPS than make new tanks or supports.
Plus the majority of the playerbase are probably DPS mains, so you wanna draw in the largest audience.

It makes sense to reveal Sojourn first.

I’m just imagining a scenario where they make a closed beta for the 5v5 but without sojourn.

Ppl would be complaining like crazy “Where’s sojourn, you already revealed her years ago, she’s done, why can’t we have 1 single new hero in the beta”