So smurfing, boosting and selling accounts is allowed?

Smurfing and boosting is okay because Blizzard doesn’t do anything about them. Selling accounts though is definitely forbidden and action will be taken on that. If they catch them. I hope you reported them so the devs have the chat log.

what a stupid response

I don’t get it…why would anyone want to pay for a bronze account? I mean, I did it on my account…and it only cost me the price of the game…I didn’t have to pay anyone for a bronze account…it just…happened :man_shrugging:


Okay now explain to me why it’s stupid.

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I’m pretty sure it was intentionally overblown and exaggerated to illustrate the problems with the logic the OP seemed to be applying to the scenario. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Reported boodting and smurfing for like 3 years. Nonr of them suspended. Only abusive chat gets people suspended. Boosting and smurfing gives blizzard money.


Welcome to real world, buddy.


Smurfing is definitely not allowed as Blizzard have publicly acknowledged its a problem and have confirmed they’re working on a solution.

The bigger problem is people being apathetic towards reporting smurfs. It’s cheating as defined by Blizzard but, more often than not, people won’t bother reporting because they think “it does nothing”. That thinking cannot be further from the truth.

The more an account is reported, the faster it will be automatically suspended by the system.

The addition of crossplay forcing creation of and linking to a Battle net account is a good official first step towards combatting the smurfing problem. In the meantime, people need to stop being apathetic about reporting and use the tools Blizzard have given us to help dig out this problem by the roots.

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Abusive Chat reports gets people silenced, not suspended.

Reporting does get accounts suspended because the reporting system is automated. Once a certain number of reports is reached an account is automatically suspended (or silenced if the reports are for Abusive Chat).

Smurfing doesn’t give Blizzard money on consoles. Also, Blizzard have publicly acknowledged smurfing is a problem and stated they’re working on a solution.

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People get away with breaking the rules because other people don’t report them.

The reporting system is automated so, the more an account is reported, the faster it will be automatically suspended by the system.

People need to stop being apathetic about reporting and actually use the reporting system for its intended purpose.


Low key, I know a place you could sell your account for the original game price and you can buy a new account (at level 25 for less than what you sold your main account for) and you can take your shot at escaping Elo hell :innocent::innocent:

Edit: oh, if you have pink Mercy, you can probably get $400 or $500 :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


To play from bronze 500, to smurf, curiosity, to play with someone lower…

They pay for it mostly because they dont have to do derank account on their own.

I can only say that it will never beat the excitement when you climb on your main from low elo.

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Yeah but you can only do it once :sweat_smile:


True, i was diamond on new alts several season before i climbed on my main. I never felt like it was deserved tho and i was so happy when i made it normaly by playing not by being placed there.

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Same…. It’s an accomplishment to be content with for certain.


Hmm, to me, seems it would be just as easy to just buy a new account and within about 3 days you could have that account at level 25, then just throw all of your placement matches (no, im not advocating violating TOS or any rules, but, if you’re going to purchase an account online, you’re already violating TOS anyway, so at least this way would be more legit)

Comparing overwatch smurfs and boosters to tax fraud and murder was extremely unclever to say the least. So, the only analogy that sucked here was yours. And it sucked big time I must admit. Considering you haven’t yet deleted your shame, it still continues to suck.

From which unhealthy place of your imagination you got the idea that I told about accounts being sold in sites unrelated to Blizzard? I clearly wrote that accounts are being sold in the Overwatch game itself, which is related to Blizzard as much as possible.

And they are being sold there 24/7. I often see 1-2 people selling accounts when I check the groups. I play several competitive games, check back - and account is still being sold.

If that was really forbidden (in practice, not on paper) - then any Blizzard employee responsible for that could enter the game once a couple hours (at least), check available public groups and with huge chance find a group selling an account and ban it. But that’s not the case. I am pretty sure that’s because smurfing, boosting and secondary account market is a huge (and the main) income source of the Overwatch branch of the company.

While fresh accounts placed in bronze by throwing all games cost a lot, GM and top 500 account are worth even more.

Well if i were to delete it then i’d admit to being wrong… which i’m not.

I’m not trying to link my analogy directly to murder and tax fraud, i’m trying to say that even if you work against them that they will still exist.
They can get more creative and find ways to stay under the radar for longer.
If someone just started breaking the law then they won’t be arrested directly, that’s because you aren’t watched 24/7 by the government.

Well, I’ve just found the part where you mentioned in-game groups, which was quite obscure I must say.
You said:

Yet in Overwatch, there are a lot of groups created by people selling their accounts.

I thought you were talking about actual groups of people instead of those in the LFG system, which honestly could’ve been made more clear but sure.

Yeah, they could do that, though a title isn’t enough to say if someone is actually selling accounts. They can be used to get players into the lobby, just like custom games had titles like “Sexy Torbjörn 18+”

So if Blizzard wants to properly address the issue they’d have to take a lot more time to look at it, next to that players can just report these groups which can already help quite a bit.
Though Blizzard clearly lacks resources in Customer Support, it’s mostly automated as far we are aware. If they’d hire some new CS agents it could help them out way more and this issue would be gone.

Also just because it’s hard to get rid of something doesn’t mean it isn’t allowed if things are slowly being removed.
Customer Support agents are not only dealing with Smurfs but also with dozens of reports and appeals.
The CS department isn’t probably split up (e.c CS for Overwatch. CS for WoW or CS for Appeals, CS for reports) so this results in much more strain on the CS agents because they have to deal with multiple reports and appeals from different games.

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$20 is not a lot. It highly depends on many factors.

Top-10 is not cheap, GM? nah