So..Rip off meta players? (and one tricks)

And YouTube’s learning is demonetizing TF2 videos for “not being advertiser friendly” so there’s also problems.

I’m not commenting on whether it’s going to work the way you (or any other player) thinks it should. I’m saying that it’s not quite as simple as an ‘if/then’ process and acting like it is is a massive understatement.


Academically and on cutting edge stuff it is. Blizzard probably has better but let’s be honest most places wont go far beyond import sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier or something equally mundane.

My point is there are previous ones that have messed up. It’s not just “if/then” it’s also looking at past experiences.

You might be interested in reading this thread, because i’ve come to the same conclusions and i got a dev response on it.

I’ve taken some ML in compsci and honestly it’s only ever as good as the person that designs around the algorithm. The algorithms are detailed and crazy wicked cool but the most critical thing of the success or failure of any sort of ML is the data being put in, the interpretation of output, etc.

Just because someone implements a machine learning algorithm 100% accurately (which tbqh is much easier with libraries like tensorflow floating around) doesn’t mean it’s good. It’s the design considerations around the ML and how it will be used that determine if it’s effective.

“Full of misinformation and misleading?”

im sorry but what?

tell youtube that…

they did say that they’re actually developing this machine “excitedly”, which i think translates to “we’re actually working on this thing to make it work, instead of simply throwing a bunch of keywords into a filtering box”.

which sounds hopeful.

I guess there are only 2 options, you either take his word for it or not.

Agreed. That’s why I’m not commenting on whether or not Bliz’ implementation is going to work the way everyone thinks it should.

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i dont know, i would like a more descriptive answer than “yeah this is wrong”

I would like someone to essentially say “No, it will not work that way because xxxxx”

because i simply dont belive it without any kind of proof

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I would like that too.

but we can all agree in…

this might not hit off meta players

but definetly will ripperino one tricks

I don’t think you know how machine learning works in any manner or form from what you have portrayed.

To give you a better idea - for machine learning to work - it actually requires human assistance to tell the machine what is right and what is wrong. It then uses the data gathered to make accurate judgement calls.

For example first it gathers all the reports

“X” player is throwing, because they were AFK.
The Machine Gathers data from the match and attempts to draw a conclusion. A human then tells the machine if the conclusion is right or wrong.

If it detects the word “AFK”
The machine will learn to check for movement patterns of the individual and if that individual stopped moving, and if they did for how long. Did they move their aimer? or just stood still?

Though you may not know it, movement maps are tracking mechanics used by some game developres, such as Counter-Strike go.

This tells developers what is the most common paths players use, how often they use it, and where players die the most often. This will let them adjust maps as necessary in a better fashion.

For example the “Replay” mechanic is not actually “Video recorded” Replay. It is actually the game recreating the entire scene with the data it gathered.
Which means it is tracking all that data, as all that data has to be authenticated by the server anyway.

So essentially machine learning will look for specific keywords, and try to match it with the data. It will use a human to interpert the data for accuracy and then once it hits a very high accuracy rate, it can run more autonomously.

Information it is unsure about can be moved to a CS agent for final approval.

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You wouldnt get reported if you did good, i’ve played those heroes plenty to know that no one will report you right away for picking a hero.

They may ask you to switch, but if you prove yourself that you’re good with the hero, i can gurentee they wont report you.

It doesn’t matter if we both agree on it or not, the reality won’t shape itself to fit what we agreed upon.

I would like it to not ban off meta heroes.
I would like it to not ban one tricks.
And i don’t know if any of that will, or not, happen.

Basically, i don’t know, and we will have to wait and see.


i have tried

they report you anyways

people report me for playing bastion EVEN IN QUICKPLAY

want a real example? in comp, a few hours ago,
we won thanks to a sym player who placed a clutch tp, the sym player iswhat made us hold the point

team answered with “report sym”

also, the enemy team had a bastion in the same match that completly rekt out team, they lost anyways but still

what they said? “report bastion”

I think skepticism is fair and natural.

I just think people are really too skeptical. We don’t know anything of the system yet, or how it would work. But historically, machine learning detects “good” patterns and “bad” patterns. So I imagine a lot of focus will be put into learning from the good patterns from a good source.

We’ll see, but I think the skepticism is absolutely fair.

You can’t be too skeptical. There are only 2 options:
You are either skeptical, or you are not. There is no in between or any specter.

What I THINK you meant by skepticism being on a specter, where you can be a bit skeptical or a lot skeptical, that implies, i think, that apply skepticism, but not here. Which isn’t really a skeptical approach to not apply skepticism.