So its Sombra's turn to be attacked?

So… only the people who invest countless hours into the hero will get good value? That sounds like almost any hero

So pretty much everyone stood behind fitzy and some other good player and said this will be awful and bad and it’s a nerf. But once it hit contenders it was over for their logic. You can argue all you want if the pros find her to be meta and strong it’s hard to argue that she’s weak. So they eventually died out and accepted that she’s actually better of now.

Except we didn’t.

We just don’t cry as much as some of the other mains.

Well, they don’t.

I certainly do.

Fair enough. Less numbers to rally behind.

I personally think sombra is in no way overpowered right now. I also heard a lot of people saying this and I was like wut? They’re like doomfist and sombra are op! Dude doomfist is 100x worse than sombra, sombra isn’t a big problem

You have to think about this as well, Tracer has no limitation hint why people says this

Her skill ceiling is basically infinite”

The only downside for Tracer is her base health pool, but because of that, she has a more fluent and consistent kit compared to Sombra, Tracer’s mobility is also superior compared to Sombra as Tracer can use her mobility for both to engage and disengaged, while still contributing to the fight.

Tracer’s damage is superb compared to Sombra’s, but because of that Tracer lacks utility.

As for Sombra, yes she was made easier with the recent changes to her, but it still doesn’t ignore the fact that Sombra is limited to what she can and can not do, that is due to all her delays Sombra's Delay is Whats Killing Her. 😍 I made a thread about is topic, it is a little outdated, but the concept still applies.

I even made a thread talking about the matter of these two heroes Sombra Versus Tracer 👯‍♀️ as people tend to compared the two quite often. I even do it more.

I just think Tracer kit is what allows her to have that infinite skill ceiling as she has no limitation, compared to Sombra.

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I agree. It’s crazy as you would think that Sombra will be the queen of this Meta, but she simply is not. Like Berserk said, she is riding this meta.


It still takes her an overly excessive amount of time to get in position to do so.

She has to decloak a bit away from who shes chasing so as not to be heard and then walk up to them.

Tracer and genji are gave stronger guns + durability out in the open. Sombra has to find people out bu their lonesome to stand much if a chance in a duel or the delayed time in removing her target lets the other team turn around and ko her almost instantly.

Genji and tracer do not require an immediate reteeat and are more successful at that job than she is.

Also some characters may require a hack before she evens the playing field like with ana but the hack alerts them and then they turn around and start shooting back, so she loses the benefit of ambushing them with her weapon. The act of going through a hack first gives the other tram additional time to turn around and ko her.

Additionally she doesnt burn tanks down that quickly so when farming for emp she is simultaneously assisting the red teams healers by constantly giving them a large target to heal.

She requires teamwork to function at an acceptable level while genji and trracer and doomfist excel when given the same teamwork.

Not to mention literally the entire roster of characters can accurately be classified as her counters.

She has stealth but cant use it in front of people at risk of being shot so she has to take the long way around anyway.

Her cloaking animation is also misleading as it seems she is still visible for a moment after waving her hand across her face with a complety purple screen and people will still see you and shoot at you for it.

The laundry list she has to go through tp feel remotely effective is too long currently and needs to be shortened. The way they went about balancing this character is mind boggling.

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See here:

[quote=“Adin-11250, post:62, topic:235765”]
brig can’t shield so she gets fried if you have even one more person shooting at her[/quote]
Except Brig can shield during Sombra’s cast time and quickly can cancel LOS using it. Even so if a Brig is hacked and she’s in the middle of her enemies’ team then you just outplayed the Brig. Brig’s sustain dominates Sombra in a 1v1 environment (should the situation arise) because of Inspire. Rally completely destroys Sombra’s only source of damage, the pea shooter, due to the armour so the second she uses it Sombra either has to wait around for the teammates to break it or spend time whittling it down (which would also expose her).

I agree here since it’s unbelievably easy to assassinate a zen if you get the jump on him.

If Moira has revealed Sombra, she has killed her or forced to use her beacon. The secondary fire disables stealth and hack and her damage orb does this through a fast moving projectile. Moira’s leeching effect can make Sombra’s life hell when trying to kill her.

Exactly. With her current spread, if you can aim and track without panicking, you can do frightening things.

Happens every time she becomes vaguely good at something, it’s nothing new.
She just can’t catch a break, the double standard against her is almost deranged, every time you point out that she’s statistically weak, buggy or underplayed there’s always an excuse.
“Oh she got used in contenders so she’s fine.”
“Oh she has an average pickrate at a level where the minority of the playerbase is so she’s fine.”
“X said Y, so she’s fine.”
“No we can’t buff her because being hacked is literally exactly the same as someone coming to your house and smashing your PC with a sledgehammer and Translocator is literally exactly the same as Recall but betterer.”


I think people’s main issues with Sombra being meta is that she’s a very oppressive character and can be considered “anti-fun”. She’s the kind of character that takes control away from the enemy player with hack and EMP. We’ve seen how characters like Doomfist and Mei do a similar thing and we all know how the Overwatch community feels about those two characters.

If anything, I think Hack and EMP should differ from effects. I think EMP is fine as a complete silence, considering it’s an ult and of course, it’s an EMP after all. I think hack however should be taken down to a sort of pseudo silence, if that makes sense? Like I don’t Hack should take away Genji’s ability to climb a wall or Reinhardt’s ability to hold a shield.

Keep in mind the pros had difficulty with the concept of taking out mercy first and instead wanted mass rez taken away so they wouldnt need to adapt to it.

If people are truly complaining about sombra anywhere but mayhem then they have to be salty from like one match that a sombra owned them. Most of the complaints I see now aside from Mercy is Doomfist. Brig complaints seem to have died down a bit strangely.

I have never stopped hating Sombra

i meant it as her gun has maybe been a bt overtuned, but it works with the rest of her kit as its her only damage tool.

I suppose sombra gets used a lot in the pro scene, but in our actual comp games, sombra is barely used. Unlike doomfist who gets used all the time in both comp and pro tournaments

The weakest part of her kit is over-tuned?

Well, now.

it’s really not that bad.

and if the rest of her kit is going to be THAT level of busted, her gun needs to be weak, and for that reason i think the gun is better than it has to be and she needs power redistribution.

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Oh for sure. I wasn’t saying Sombra is stronger or something - just that Tracers skill cap is super high like you’re saying. And it definitely comes down to the fluidity and constant mobility of her kit.

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