So, how are we doing?

I’m sure it has been quite some time, a lot has changed.
Some have left, some have stayed.

I’m just wondering, how are you all doing?

Doing okay. Haven’t really played since December, because I thoroughly believed matchmaking quality was about to fall off a cliff. Mostly playing DarkTide.

Waiting for Matchmaking to not be bad. DarkTide just got a 10GB patch yesterday, with all the “Okay, we canceled our plans, and did what the community really wanted, here you go” stuff that was expected at launch.

Eh, with all that rigging that was claimed back in the time, I assume they’ve decided to smash the matchmaking 6 feet under?

Well at least other games are suffering from matchmaking issues too, seems like the gaming industry is just being hit by this for some reason.

we’re in season 3 now, and all they’ve done is say “yes we see its a problem”. it’s an actual joke, and the hope that we’ll see any meaningful adjustments to matchmaking in the first year is futile. Just as futile as OW PVE, meaningful balance changes, etc.

More like they tried to make it so the matchmaking was “Average SR per Role” but not “Average SR per Team” like it was before, to reduce things like “Tank Diff”.

But the scrapped “Performance Based Matchmaking” in OW2, and are going off of purely win-loss ratio. And that … doesn’t seem to be working well.

Theoretically there should be some fixes this week, with an Aaron Keller blog post #3 on matchmaking. But dunno when that’s going to be a thing. Maybe Friday?

mentally im in a pretty rough state due to the 7th anniversary of my best friends death is coming up (this saturday) though it should be a fun day the thought of his death still hurts me deep with in my soul

Damn, they really haven’t been treating this game well huh?

So this means they’re taking an extremely simplistic approach to the matchmaking system nowadays?

Oh man, how the community could resolve so many of the issues.

lmao we’re playing a heavily monetized alpha version of a game.

Not having fun with the matchmaking.

i’m alive hbu hun?

My condolences.

Life can be rough, but every so often it’ll throw you something nice.
Just cherish the good moments.

Took a big damn break from here, seems like stuff around here is still the same.
Guess that means I’m alive too.

Actually, if they could make it so that Sojourn/Widow/Hanzo were less of a problem, nerf ball back down a bit, and fix Matchmaking. The game would be in a pretty good place.

They really revamped their monetization, there’s coins to buy older skins in the battle pass, and the battle pass is actually has some really good skins in it that seem worth way more than $10.

There’s a bit of drama going on about a Mercy rework, but she’s statistically fine. But they increased her Guardian Angel cooldown by 67%, and people aren’t happy about that. But I think they could just give her some other sort of survival nerf, and give the cooldown back, and that would fix most of it. i.e:

[OW2] Make Mercy Wider + 1.5sec GA

There should be a balance patch coming out on March 7th. So let’s see how that goes.

But yeah, mostly it’s just “matchmaking and some balance stuff” and the game would be doing really well.

It’s just not there yet.

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oh that never changes honey… the forum is structured in a way that promotes sharing controversial, provocative opinions

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