So downvotes are completely gone now?

Only gave us a maximum of 25 per day?

25 for the sake of the Nerf Moira threads, but only 25 considering people tend to abuse the downvote.
IMO 25 seems like a good number since we get a maximum of 50 upvotes per day, (if I recall correctly) then we could be twice as positive as we are negative.:grin:

I just don’t think we should have the upvote without the downvote…


"​A place on the internet where people can leave messages or discuss particular subjects with other people at the same time."- Cambridge Dictionary

A facility on a computer network (now usually the Internet) for users to share information or opinions on a particular topic, especially a website dedicated to such discussion.” - Oxford Dictionaries

An Internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages.” - Wikipedia

From these random definitions alone you will notice a particular emphasis on leaving messages, holding conversations with other people and discussing.

Downvoting does not involve any of these actions.


Neither does liking.

Now can we stop pretending this has anything to with dictionary definitions?


Liking does not halt discussion, nor censor posts.

Edit: adding to that, since the other post got buried.

Downvotes, while not necessarily making discussion impossible, heavily skew it in favor of the flavor of the month, and Internet boards are particularly susceptible to mob mentality. We’ve seen it far too often on these boards.

The lack of downvotes forces you to actually write your opinion about something, which is the entire purpose of a forum: it’s about discussing, not internet karma.

Additionally it ensures that everyone can think critically for themselves, rather than going “I thought OP made a valid point at first but everyone else disagrees, so they must be right”; a thought process that is sadly far too common.

The flow of a discussion shouldn’t be decided by the number of red thumbs that instantly appear on the original post without any real explanation. You want that, you go to Reddit.

To quote your own post, drop the “drama queen act”. Drama that is nowhere to be seen, since you’re the ones getting emotional about the disappearance of your emotional outlet button.


> Have to take an additional 0.02 seconds to click “Show Post”
> “Halts discussion! CENSORSHIP!”
I think that right there is a nice insight as to the mindset of the anti-downvote crowd.


One encourages people to talk about things that interest you.

The other encourages people to silence you on things that interest you.

If you had to choose between only having one or the other, which one would you pick?

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

It’s not about the 0.02 seconds it takes to press “Show Post”. I think that right there is a nice insight as to the mindset of the pro-downvote crowd, twisting words in the most ridiculous possible manner.

For the 18th time, it’s about ensuring that people bring actual arguments to the discussion rather than pressing a button and moving on.

These forums exist to let you express your opinions about the game and provide feedback to the developers. If you need an emotional outlet, Reddit awaits with open arms.

If you don’t like to discuss with people and bring actual replies that consist of something other than passive-aggressive insults directed at a crowd you know nothing about, I’d strongly suggest you to switch to another hobby.

In your own words, stop being a drama queen. It’s been barely 2 days and it’s already getting old.

I’m also fine with removing likes. They serve little purpose other than for bragging rights. They do have a more positive intention than downvotes though, so I have no issue with keeping them either.

But removing the dislikes definitely helps against toxicity and “omg you have a wrong opinion”, so IMO they can stay away.

There are no wrong opinions. Well aside from obvious rulebreaking opinions :roll_eyes:
But other than that, if you think something, you should be able to say so without getting downvoted to oblivion.


Actually. I’d be pretty cool with the likes being removed as well. You like something, say you like it, leave feedback that this vibes with you.

As for the whole part of “Can we have our dislikes back?” Oh no… Now you either say why you don’t like something or you walk away. I can’t imagine a world that is like that already /s.

I have yet to see a factual argument in nerfing Moira.

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Neither did downvoting.


I’d happily bypass liking posts forever if it meant that disliking a post was gone forever.

Especially when a dislike a post results in posts being buried because they require no written response.

The one that doesn’t result in even the most moronic sh*t having “Good idea until proven- actually there is no second part. Every idea is good!” status.

Not willing to write up a response to every single “SCHOOLGIRL SKINS NAO!” post? Sorry, according to the anti-downvote crowd you’re either just too stupid to counter their advanced intellects or your arguments weren’t worth anything to begin with.


Liking a posts simply means someone agrees with said post and has nothing more to add. Even if they do put out a reply it will most likely be just an echo chamber.

Having the ability to dislike a post however, is simply non constructive. What does this person disagrees with? What counter points could he have presented? Hence why i just put out a reply to your post, instead of just downvoting it and moving on.

This is a forum about discussion, the ones who created it wants to see the forum-goers discuss stuff about the game that they made.

I honestly would like it better if the like button is removed completely just to avoid having countless posts talking about upvotes and downvotes popping up on the first page, but i understand that they want to add positivity to the forum, hence the “<3” button instead of “^”.

Ok that point is not 100% true with the new forums because now the liking isn’t anonymous.

That means that the information can be datamined by users and by Blizzard.

For example, if I posted something like:

Symmetra turrets need a buff, they should have 10 health and 10 (1 point of armor blocks 5 damage from enemy fire that does 10 damage or more, damage that does less than 10 is halved) so that turrets have a chance of surviving unaimed aoe/cone damage.

And I get 2000 likes and some comments. Blizzard could look at the likes see that all of the likes coming from people with a lot of hours on Symmetra and ignore my post as an echo chamber.

Alternatively, they could look at the 2000 likes and see that 25% of the agreements came from people who have very few to no hours on Symmetra but play a lot of Mei/Roadhog/Sombra/Junkrat and so pay more attention to what is being said.

(Please note, I’m not suggesting the above turret change as a fix for Symm. I’m being hyperbolic cause it’s an example and why not.)

Well, yeah. That’s what i meant.
Unless i misunderstood the definition of echo chamber…? Doesn’t it simply means that people are resounding to an idea? I guess i got it wrong.

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I think the way it’ll work is one post that makes the same point as those 100+ people want to make will have 100+ likes.

That’s the way the old upvote was meant to work too. Upvote if you agree and post if you’ve got something additional to bring to the conversation, make a reply.

When we had the old forums, I made a post about how we should get rid of the dislike option because its spreading negativity that isn’t constructive. I said it in a very kind and constructive way, but the post got 17 dislikes and no replies. I laughed. xD

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It’s always good to give a reason for disliking something, and not being able to just blindly hop on a downvote train will be a nice change.

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Yeah I got much the same response to my suggestion that likes/dislikes stay but your name be signed to the post when you liked or disliked so the OP could figure out which “mains” are hating the idea. Got downvoted into oblivion… though a couple did comment to mock/troll me and call me a snowflake for wanting names exposed.

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