So downvotes are completely gone now?

Then why have a like button.

You want to feed people’s ego but not the other way around. Get rid of likes and bring balance to the forums.


If you want to say “your post is stupid” post a reply saying just that. Preferably with justification and supporting evidence, which downvotes offer neither of.

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Remember those post you clicked and is immediately greeted with bright red thumbs down with like 50-100 dislikes? And you read the post and finds out it is indeed rubbish and stupid so you add to the cause by contributing another dislike? You don’t even need to reply, you just dislike and leave. And you feel great about yourself because you can see majority of the people are sane and thinks like you.

Now you cant. You will not be able to immediately see the post is nonsense when you click on it. And you can’t simply dislike it and move on. Like the other 50 users before you, you have to leave a heavily opinionated critical reply for the topic creator even when countless others have done already.


I downvote this post because there are too many topics on this right now.



well too bad you can’t. You wish you could downvote all the other posts like mine and just leave. But too baddddd, you have to reply to give me a piece of your mind.

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Or you could just upvote the heavily opinionated critical reply that makes the most sense, which in turn will ensure that it shows up in the post summary. Downvotes made sense, but like most things it was abused by griefers.

Additionally, they didn’t even serve any real function. They didn’t push bad threads down and they didn’t make good threads more noticeable.


Personally I’m glad Downvoting is gone. Most would just anonymously click the button. Now, you have to actually spend a bit of time to explain your opinion on something, instead of reading the 1st few words until you find something you don’t like and mindlessly click “Downvote”, which many people have admitted to doing. Words, those will build a community much stronger than many people clicking a button to drown out someone opinion.


Your reasoning is entirely not a reason it should be brought back, you should think of a better argument than “I want to let them know this post is rubbish!” Try perhaps “People used to be able to tell what the main opinions of other players were, and what to look for when going into a post,” would be much more reasonable.


:-1: Downvoting is just more negativity, which is the opposite if what these forums need.


Why should people who agree with a post not be subject to the same requirements?


Downvote is gone thank you!


That’s perfect :ok_hand: it contributes to remove the toxicity, thank you Blizz’


Now mercy mains will not be able to abuse it


Oh no, now people will have to use words instead of just pressing the “f you” button and moving on!


Perfecto :ok_hand: :wink:

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Without downvotes, one cannot tell the general community response to a thread. There are many times I would like a post, but there are also many times I would not like a post. However, there are other different times where I would dislike a post, because I strongly disagree with their viewpoint, or they are trolling. Please, do not make this a fluffy duffy place where people’s feelings are more important than what the audience have to say.


Best part about this post is that people who dont want downvote to return probably want to downvote this right now


It’s kinda ironic that I want to dislike this…


I don’t need upvotes or down votes on an individual to let me know if I agree or disagree with them.

Sorry I’m not a sheep.


well, there you go

(heck this 20 character limit)