So... Doomfist Mains

And you deserve every bit of frustration for being like that :man_shrugging:


His combo to be as useful as it once was and not a roll of the dice or 125 slam necessary.

Buffed with compensation nerfs.

Nope. He’s pretty terrible and gets stomped by the majority of heroes in the game. Especially when most of them are straight up stronger heroes and also meta.

Don’t want a rework but him to a tank would be cool.

Yes he does. People in this game complain when doomfist isn’t just some other hitscan andy. This game is what brings variety and new play styles and people cry about it.

you mean like the diagonal punch bug that Every Single DF has been abusing? If that was ever removed/FIXED, the forums would be filled with angry df mains who have to play a slightly harder broken hero… can’t have that. who am i kidding? the biggest nerf df will ever get is a tiny slap on the wrist

I would be fine with that. Why? Because it was confirmed as a bug. Even GetQuakedOn, the best known rollout/tech Doomfist would be okay with it. The only problem with patching that would mean that it would require an entire revamp of every map’s geometry.

if they wanted to patch that, it would have been patched years ago. it’s a pretty huge bug, with insane consequences. But it hasn’t been patched. Because the devs love dishing out barely counterable craziness into the game.

Nothing really. I don’t really want Doomfist to be changed. I can live with the changes made to him.

Now of course, I am Doom main second and a Rein/tank main first. From that perspective, I’ll say this: I still wouldn’t want things changed. He’s rather easy to deal with (even as someone like Sigma). I know how to deal with an enemy Doomfist (partially over the amount of time I’ve played him, but also the amount of time I’ve played against him), and can say that he is not OP.

So, you basically want his ult to be a guaranteed kill on any support anywhere on the map?

No thank you.

Well right now it has barely any killing potential that a DPS Ultimate should have, its just Recall on a much longer cooldown.

Just make Doomfist land faster, that is the easiest answer.

you really think that’s going to be a guaranteed kill? Even doomfist with 30-300 damage on outer ring had a pretty tough time one shotting 200 hp heroes.

He is… weird.
There are people who claim he is OP, while I found him to be a real annoyance if I am playing Ana.

Not like me having been capable of consistently landing sleep dart on a Doomfist and I just got wrecked by a t500 Doomfist in QPC (Kill me).

But as for why he is like this… well, you actually don’t get to feel how it’s to play Doomfist, until you actually try for a good while. Cause even if you land your stuff right, there are chances that your E won’t land, your Uppercut will wiff and you got CC.

In my opinion, he is smack down the middle in terms of balance. Really annoying if everyone gives him free reign over everything, but also really bad if people notice his shenanigans. The only bad thing with him is the bugs. Like, the man has so many bugs, they might as well give him a Bettle Skin just for the sake of it :((

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They need to fix his bugs.

I think he’s fine as it is. If you don’t know how to play him, you won’t get much value out of him. But if you do, you can carry (sort of like Tracer and Genji). So he has his place

I don’t think any reworks are necessary. Like at all, he’s completely fine and he adds a lot of flavor to the game (almost entirely melee hero in a game with mostly shooting heroes). Although IF he was made into a tank, I’ve become partial to this:
400 hp+100 shield
All cd’s -50%
All abilities -50% dmg

Basically a rubber hammer. He flies around doing minimal dmg (basically the ultimate boop tank), playing like he’s in the chaos arcade mode

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Hand Cannon

  • Damage falloff now starts at 15 meters.
    Rising Uppercut

  • Loss of air control duration lowered from 3 seconds to 0.6 seconds.

Seismic Slam

  • Maximum range reduced from 20 meters to 15 meters.
  • Targets no longer lose air control while being pulled in.

Meteor Strike

  • Inner ring damage radius increased from 1.5 meters to 2.0 meters.

  • Outer ring maximum damage decreased from 300 to 200.
    Rocket Punch

  • Time to reach max charge increased from 1 to 1.4 seconds.

The Best Defense…

  • Shield health gained per hit reduced from 35 to 30.
    Rising Uppercut

  • Recovery time increased from 0.2 to 0.35 seconds.

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4 changes:

  • Revert recent uppercut nerf

  • Revert his slam range nerf back to 20m

  • Revert his ultimate nerfs

  • Bug fixes

It’s not just a recall on a longer cooldown - it’s an ability that can put him literally anywhere on the map, and kill anyone within the blast radius. Plus it gives him invincibility after landing so he can escape before anyone has a chance to CC him. His ult is incredibly powerful.

Lower his punch damage, maybe lower the knockback of it too.

Slam distance reverted back to 20m

Uppercut recovery time reverted back to 0.2 seconds

Fix his bugs

That’s about it.

Maybe search his patch history next time

Since you basically just admitted that you dont know anything about the hero


Just want to say that although there a lot of bugs that put DF at a disadvantage there’s also a huge amount of bugs doomfist can abuse.

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If anything right now, I want his 57 bugs fixed, esp sliders that are very annoying (the character bounces off the wall instead of slamming into, which denies the one shot from RP)

Ability to charge-punch vertically, into sky.