So... Doomfist Mains

I didn’t make this game, so who am I to judge who’s character should be or shouldn’t be in this game. I’m not an entitled gamer to judge.

As for Doomfist, nerf his Rocket Punch to kill all those Punch Bot play style. Let the damage scale depending on charge or something. Remove the Wall damage, so the feel of it being a OHKO goes away.

Rework his Ult to something more consistent offensively that is not a satellite cannon that is used more as a Get Out of Jail Free Card than to actually attack.

If he had vertical mobility with RP, he wouldn’t.
Only bad DF mains would really suffer.

If needed though, He could get back 20m slam.

I’m asking them specifically because I’d like to know if they actually do agree with the posts on these forums or not. I guess I’ve just gotten used to seeing the opinions of those who don’t really play him rather than the opinions of those who do.

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i want to see him reverted and nerfed a bit to compensate

The radius that literally anyone can walk out of if they’re in the very center of it not moving?

Actually, the invincibility lasts shorter than his landing animation, meaning he is still in the animation when it goes away. There’s a reason why people hate using it in teams with any CC, as you can’t do anything until after the invincibility period ends and you’re still stuck in an animation.

Only for the first part of your comment, but even then it’s not “literally anywhere”, though it does have amazing reposition ability.

I came up with this rework a while ago:

Rocket Punch:

  • Damage changed from 250 from 2 hits to 150 from 1 hit
  • Charge lowered back to 1 second charge time, must be fully charged to activate
  • 20m distance stays the same
  • Knockback changed from 15m to 10m
  • Stun removed due to no longer needing it
  • Rocket Punch can now be used in any direction, not only along the horizontal axis

It addresses the one shot ability and stun by removing both, but gives Doomfist the ability to aim in different directions than he can now and makes it easier to counter.

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People have hated CC in this game since before it was released. They also hated one-shot mechanics and opted to have all of them outside of Widow, removed.

Then Blizzard turns around and adds a hero that has both CC and one-shot abilities. It feels a bit like a spit in the face from the developers after giving the feedback given throughout the hours of playing, when they add a hero that has those mechanics that have been described before as unwanted in the game.

Doomfist in my opinion is a mistake that should never have been introduced to the game. Especially given that this is a favour the shooter type of game, so for him to be any viable he has to be oppressive as all hell just to survive. He needs the shields, he needs high burst damage and he needs mobility. I think Blizzard really mucked up hard when they released this hero into the game.

i know he got nerfed many times, and yet he is still very very far from balanced.

If you take an insanely broken hero, and give him a hundred small insignificant nerfs, and at the end of it all he’s still broken, people like you will always be there to jump in and say “he’s been nerfed so many times already, he must be balanced by now. stop asking for nerfs already!”

I didn’t admit that i don’t know anything about the hero. That’s what your poor imagination did.

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lol you rude man
4 h

The fact that you ignore how massive those nerfs were shows how poor your vision of “tiny” nerfs are

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the fact that you ignore the ridiculous state of DF prior to those nerfs shows how ignorant you are about the absolute necessity for those nerfs, and many more to come (which didn’t happen)

The fact that you still think he’s broken shows that you don’t know anything about the Hero. “Small insignificant nerfs”? You realize that they have almost completely gotten rid of the kill potential of his Ult, removed the majority of his rollout locations, and made him significantly less survivable. That’s like saying Rein’s Shield nerf was a “small insignificant change” or Brig only got “small insignificant nerfs” throughout her time in game.


He was nerfed too hard to the point that he had to be buffed

I swear, Doomfist is Mercy of the DPS world.

Most of the non-mains hate these characters and cry when they become meta. Forums are constantly drowning in tears of players who don’t want these heroes to be viable cuz it’s “uNhEaLtHy fOr ThE gAmE”.

I mean to be fair Mercy did became a huge problem after her rework

Ever heard of Zen? a regular old day in the life of good old un-nerfed, un-buffed Zen is about a hundred times harder to play than DF in his absolute weakest imaginable state, which he will never get to because people like you keep crying about every single (very deserving) nerf DF ever got

Oh yeah a hero thats gets countered by another, when have i heard that before?


Counters and even hard ones have existed

And you think DF is easy?

Your lack of knowledge of DF is hilarious

Something that is almost uncounterable shouldn’t have that much kill potential to begin with.

Did they keep the “diagonal punch bug” tho that every DF is surely abusing? They sure did. Hey why don’t you complain about that since you’re all about balance? Oh right, because it works in your favor

Right, because having 250 hp base and 150 hp shields is hard to survive with when you’re at risk for about 0.5sec of every engagement. Poor doomfist. They better give him more mobility and throw in some armor too. At 400hp he’s just a wet noodle…

Barriers, invulnerabilities, mobility, etc

All of those countered the ult, only heroes that struggle with it was Ana and Zen, both which could evade it with obstacles of the map

Because DF is forced to use said tricks due to how poor his state is, you want that thing removed? then compensate for it

Massive size (bigger than Zarya)


Low resources

Lack of range


Just stop it, you dont know what youre talking about, if you wanna complain about the hero then at least know how he actually is

Your lack of knowledge of counters is hilarious as well.
Hard counters should not exist. Even a junkrat should be and is capable of countering a pharah, and a pharah should be and is capable of countering a widow. But Zen vs DF? “No cHaNcE” -doomfish

I do think DF is easy. I think having at least 4 ways to guarantee a kill on someone is easy. I think that essentially healing yourself with damage is easy. I think playing an extremely mobile hero is easy. Yea i think he’s easy. sue me.