You just reminded me that Reaper just got a nerf through this massive buff to Torbjorn.
That they did.
With how fast his shotgun shoots he’s also going to be a strong counter to Doomfist. Shooting him during uppercut was already a thing, now it will be ridiculous.
i don’t think so. but we will just have to wait and see. people thought symm 2.0 was op when she was launched, and that turned out to be wrong, so anything is possible
I’m excited to see how he will perform in a goats comp if he replaces a tank honestly.
Imagine in tournament against another goats comp, you throw a turret in a high place so the enemy goats can’t reach it except maybe and you have yourself a 6v5 or 7v6 if they have no reach at all.
if pharah gets anything to help her in hitting shots, like say heatseeking rockets
get ready for the auto aim meta.
as i said above, this torbjorn rework is 100x stronger sounding than the sym rework ever sounded, not to mention torbjorn doesnt require anymore aim than he did before, while sym went from auto aim to aim requirement