So does anyone actually want to learn this game?

I’m so sick of LFG, finding people who only blame their DPS for not killing enough or whatever, and hearing people blame others for their short comings.

Every role has the ability to carry a game. Every single one.

All I hear is whining and complaining about other players but never about how they could personally improve. But they are so quick to praise themselves for meaningless actions(usually actions that are supposed to be done for their role) that in no way, shape or form help the game in its entirety because of their lack of consistency.

I got plays!!! I have gold kills!! Look at all my healing!!!

After we lose a game.

People have no clue what’s carrying anymore. I don’t carry my team by having gold medals(if it happens it happens) or PotG’s, I carry by assisting my team and taking care of threats. When I get play of the game, it’s not because I’m the best on my team, it’s either because a teammate set me up to get that play or because I set up a teammate to wipe an enemy team.

Stop thinking you’re amazing in Overwatch because of your gold medals, you’re still trash if you really believe your team has nothing to do with your success. Unless you’re Masters-top 500 and can solo an entire team you’re trash like the rest of us and need to carry by enabling your team, not abandoning them.

Learn how to play. Learn how not to suck. And maybe you will have better matches and can actually do something instead of relying on a smurf DPS to carry you. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Jayne’s pugs or Elo Hell Pick Up Games is a good place to catch people that try to understand the game and know what is actually going on.

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PC discord or console friendly?

both, the pc crowd is way bigger though.
try this for console, I don’t play console so no 1st hand exp.
Scroll down to consolewatch section.

I figured. One of these days I need to get a PC so I can have an easier time finding teammates who are cognizant of how competitive games are supposed to be.


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I don’t think awareness is any better on pc, we can just spin around faster:)


I’ve tried to find people to queue with on there and no one responds

It’s not really for finding groups to play comp with, It’s for pugs. You can of course make friends and q with them.
Also there are a lot of people that are on teams and scrimming there, Join as a ringer or get on a team.

I mean this is exactly how people use LFG. They want to get carried. Except smurfs don’t use LFG so lol.

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I will argue this completely. No small part of this game is about 1v1’s, or about ganging up on others. You can break down every fight in this game as a series of smaller fights, and the winners of those smaller fights win the larger fights. If I’m playing Winston against a Widowmaker, I’ll 1v1 that Widow almost every time, but if it’s against a Reaper, chances are I will never win.

But if it’s me and a Moira against a Reaper? Or Widow and Mei against me?

And once one hero dies, the larger fight is now a 5v6, which means the team of 6 is very likely to get another kill. By the time it’s 4v6, the fight is a near guaranteed loss for the team of 4. This is the problem with elimination team games, and a problem with games that have counter systems.

If we had this in client, I’d never use matchmaker again. QoL for the LFG

I never said anything about people 1v1ing, nor did I say anything about the game exclusively being about staying grouped up. There is a time to do both, if you have high mobility you should be trying to take advantage of that, but if you have none, you shouldn’t be on the other side of a team fight where the enemy team can turn around and destroy you with no way out.

Either I didn’t understand your post right or you are implying that I was talking about characters and not roles. If I’m losing a match to a Junkrat or a widow, or a Roadhog, or any character honestly, I alway have a solution because I can skillfully play most every character in every role. Maybe not at my best but enough to stop my team from getting destroyed. The problem with one tricking is that if you can’t switch to anything, you will never make a difference in a game that you’re losing, and you will be one of those people I’m talking about who ends up relying on teammates to carry them out of a situation because you can’t switch.

We have so many characters and so much CC in every role that there is no excuse for losing just because of one problem person on the enemy team. And that’s what people mainly complain about.

Counters have always been huge in this game. I don’t understand why people play this game and have a problem with it.