So... Did the servers just crashed?

People keep leaving games randomly. I just joined a game that we won before I got out of spawn. I dc’d out of a game during last 10 seconds after sweating and hard carrying it. Servers are going bonkers right now

They’ll just be here for this event and then leave after it’s over.

“OW is dying” sarcasm

Sooo frustrating ! 2hours in and the servers crash like where did that come from :o

For once the servers were doing great T-T

i am in que, number 200.000 lol!

Hey folks, we identified a crash in one of our servers and we just rolled out a fix for it. We’re working on increasing login rates to get everyone through the queue quickly. Apologies for the hassle.


isn’t also free for a week?

Keep crashing every time :frowning:

So, 7000 people to go… YAY!!! :expressionless:

So this gets a fast response from a Blizzard employee yet the balancing issues in Quickplay/Arcade which I posted do not matter? I say bravo Blizzard good job you deserve an award for your effort. I see how much you really care about putting more effort into fixing the real issues this game has with balancing.

Sure, let’s fix balancing when the game is literally literally unplayable


How is this a surprise? This is always like this when an event drops. People, just wait until the end of the day to log-in or any other day afterword. After that, getting in to the game is pretty easy.

Is the queue moving?
EDIT: After 10 minutes it logged me in

That post has been made hundreds of times even by myself but they’re very stagnant about MMR and don’t want to talk about it. They usually respond only to imminent issues (like dc’s right now) or just randomly here and there. If you were to get a response it wouldn’t be because you made a very good and detailed post, it would be completely random


I bet you weren’t expecting the event to hammer the servers with re-logs. Everyone was and is hyped for the event. :slight_smile: Its World of Warcraft Launch day, all over again :wink:

Goes to show how much Blizzard really cares about Overwatch. Another reason why I play Paladins way more than I used to play OW

5 hours later and I still can’t get on. I haven’t even been able to even see the event once because of the servers being down. I just want to play normal quickplay at this point and can’t even do that!

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you should post in tech support, game came back and is working as normal after the hiccups.

Probably because server problems are more important than a few people complaining on the forums. There is also thousands of different balance topics, they don’t and shouldn’t need to reply to them!

Still cant log in and play, and there is only 2 hours left in the day …