So can we nerf rein's damage already?

What was even the point of that change? His attack was already stronger than most of the tanks.

All I see now are pocketed agro reins spamming melee all the time.


I feel like you should be more focused on who is pocketing him than Rein himself.

If he even let you get to his pocket. If you get close, he just melees you. If you try to snipe, he uses the shield.

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He has a very defined role, he has one ranged attack on a significant cooldown, hes very slow and his primary only works at close range. Both his charge and his ultimate move can be easily interrupted by a plethora of abilities from different characters in the game and its very easy to do so with both moves.

The healers are really what makes him feel too strong,

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I mean hes still overall a bad tank, damage wasn’t that he needed. He just wins better on short range, but Orisa/Sigma can destroy him from range easily. It was a bad change, rather nerf healing and sigma and he would be better. Maybe a small lucio buff too


If the enemy doesn’t have flankers, play Zen and spam to break Rein’s barrier and discord him whenever he lowers his barrier, that will be enough to scary him and give your tanks an advantage if he gets closer to melee them.

I’m imagining the point is to make Rein feel like less of a shield and more like the hammer. From the Reddit AMA:


I wouldn’t be surprised if they leant more into this direction. So I guess that would be less barrier HP, but less movement penalty?

I mean, I am fine with that… but do it for every tank not just for the one that already has best damage anyway.

What if we just buffed the weak tanks instead? I mean nerfs suck and tank players are already at a premium.

Powercreeping tanks won’t make tank players magically appear, if that were the case we’d have had more tank players than DPS for the lifetime of sigma

Make them as strong as the fps and we will see.

Also the point is to make the tank mains to return, not necessarily converting dps into tank players.

I would take 75 hammer damage if it meant another 50 armor. Otherwise, nah, I’m good.

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I mean we have the most dpsy tank meta rn, you ain’t gonna turn Winston into anything else without making him op and rein will never be good in a high damage meta

He got +50 armor too, which noticeably helps. 250 armor + 300 health is the best base health pool for a tank in the whole game.

It’s more of a power shift than power creep. I mean, I’d take dropping his damage back to 75 for an 1800 barrier. Remember when he had 2000 hp on his shield?