So, Blizzard, is this how things are gonna go?

Are we just going to keep nerfing Mercy, patch after patch, until she has to stand still for 10 seconds while doing skill checks to resurrect and can only heal for three seconds at a time?

Blizzard, please listen. You cannot keep closing your eyes and plugging your ears yelling “LA LA LA I CAN’T HEAR YOU!!!”. You have to face the reality of the situation.

The Mercy rework was a complete and utter failure. She is not fun to play against. She is not fun to play as. She has been a complete nightmare for balance, constantly overshadowing other supports. Nerf after nerf after nerf, she is consistently a must have if you want a chance of winning your game.

It is clear to me, the rest of the community, and hopefully soon to yourselves that Mercy’s power levels are not the result of overtuned numbers. Her new kit is inherently flawed. She needs major changes. Please, stop stripping away random parts of her kit until she can only heal and damage boost. She needs a rework.


94 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018