So are we not gonna talk about the coding

Also something i thought, they are a multi-billion dollar company, and doing this?

Like… :grimacing:

because having a very rudimentary understanding of code is atleast better than none and since i’m not really a programmer and there was no one yet offering any perspective on it so i said something.

do you know how you get an answer the fastest on the internet?
it’s not by asking, it’s by stating something false and have someone correct you.
you should try it sometime.

I very much doubt that there is no version control. It’s pretty much impossible to manage big software projects without version control. He must have meant something else. (Source ?)

Scroll up, a link is in the forum somewhere lol

You say they don’t have copies of their old code??

By the way they worded it, it seems so, maybe jeff had bad wording :man_shrugging:

was there ever physical copies of the game like on consoles?

I have the disk version on console, so yeah

I also have the disk pc version lol

woudlnt the original code files be on those, not a coding expert

I dont know? I would presume so, i dont really understand why they would overwrite their code…

No that doesn’t mean that. Those exist. Especially the shield gen. Since it was working in junken, even after her ult was changed to the wall, for a while. Those abilities wouldn’t need to be recreated from scratch. VS an entire restoration of a game.

Faster. Look at BBC when they had no concept of value to Doctor Who. And reused master tapes. Which caused the loss of many episodes. Either a minor update didn’t matter to them. So it wasn’t saved off to the side. Or the idea of “classic” was never thought about. Some sort of issue occurred, they had to get something out. And so they pushed before anyone backed it up.

From personal experience in making videos. There are times I have to change something because I’m forced to. I didn’t save the older project file. Because I wasn’t thinking about archiving.


The problem is probably that the old code doesn’t work with the current system.
Old parts of code on which like hook 1.0 relied on, don’t exist, and if they would reimplement it, than every game would have hook 1.0 not only arcade.

Their game is not capable of running different instances of the whole architecture side by side.
That’s why big changes to the code are on the PTR and not on experimental.

Going to Vanilla OW would probably mean running a whole server on Vanilla you could choose in the client, which also would need a separate client.
If it’s possible. Authentication usually runs over the client, which could be incompatible with the old cold and would need also a rework.

So a seamless OW Vanilla experience integration into OW is not possible

why would they lie?

Welp. A wasted opportunity. We’ll probably never see the old stuff ever again (Unless they remember the codes of them)

Yandere Dev flashbacks


I just looked at some Blizz job postings and they show Perforce as a “Nice to Have” for their artists, so I’m pretty sure that’s what they’re using.

If you host a Perforce Helix server yourself, you can throw gigs per second around your network, but a lot of the time in Perforce you wouldn’t even have to, you can have one central rep of the binary that is “locked” as soon as someone starts working on it, so noone else can access that exact file at the same time. It’s more of a centralised system than Git in that sense (not “push and pull”), which helps with the issues binaries can cause.

They will have a team of DevOps people working on just their Perforce servers, it’s all a lot more involved than the simpler version control solutions most devs use day to day.

Basically I’m a little bit sceptical about what Jeff is saying. I think they just don’t see it as profitable.