So about that 'DPS' Patch months back

Wasn’t that patch supposed to be the quote “end of goats” because of how many dps heroes were buffed to apparently ‘counter’ the Goats Comp?

I thought that was the idea behind it…

It didn’t end goats. It just brought dps power creep to ladder, so we to play bunker not to get blown up.



Have I ever told you the story of Darth Sombrius the Wise?

It’s not a story Overwatch would tell


Honestly all these new sombra nerf “hack needs skill” threads I been seeing the past week makes me want the “Sombra Wars Trilogy” to come back

-We thought the patch was a good idea.

Record scratch, narrator voice

-It wasn’t.

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There were a variety of good options the devs had to buff some trash DPS in a way that would’ve made them good against GOATS/Deathball comps without completely breaking them

They took precisely zero of those options, and so GOATS persisted well beyond what it needed to

What would those options be?

What happened here? I truly want to know, I’m new.

THE idea was on put all heros on the lvl where is unfun to play against.

But that ended goats :slight_smile:
So in a way it worked.

when they officially ruined Sombra. the whole thread is a good laugh.

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Standard Blizzard logic, GOATS ruining the whole game? Let’s nerf Junkrat! Sub 90.000 views let’s go!

It succeeded on the ladder granted GOATS never really hit that high on the ladder anyways and failed to knock it down completely in OWL. (It took around a 10-20 % hit in OWL)

The thing is, much as I love criticizing the balance team that result isn’t that out of line.

The people in OWL play at a level that is likely above any internal testing team so you can’t test it internally yourself at the same level the play at.

The people playing in OWL are in it to win to the point that they goofed off to avoid showing strats in the pre-season. As a result, you can’t trust them to test it either as they’ll just lie if it helps them out.

So, you are trying to make a patch basically just on theory craft that kills x without causing excessive damage elsewhere and you’ve got one go at it.

I think aside from perhaps a lucky soul or two virtually everyone trying that would either miss at killing GOATS or massively mess up the entire ladder.

With that said, they really should have had a patch to take another crack at killing it this stage.

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Where is the GOATs? Show me. All I see on the forums are bunker this and snipers that.

Brigitte has a 2% pick rate, I think it’s safe to say that GOATs isn’t eclipsing ladder gameplay.

All it did was make playing playing tanks outside of OWL unbearable.