You’re one of the special ones then. I like playing roadhog and watching a tracer spend a minute trying to kill me as my support just heal me. I then hook her kill her then sit down.
this topic is not about ME having problems with killing Tracer
I can kill her just fine with McCree, it’s the fact it’s harder for him to kill her than it is for her to kill you.
LOL she is just trying to charge her ult faster.
Cant wait to wreck facerolling brig players with tracer. Just the change overwatch needed!
Here is the funny part. They always pulse bomb me and I heal through it so she just wasted time plus ult. I get building ult to pulse someone else but they rarely do that.
So Is it true? A new nerf for Brigitte again with SB damage?
So what’s her job now if she’s not a hardcounter of Tracer anymore? How to kill a hero when she is supposed to help counter dive good job Blizzard.
Tracer isn’t the only thing in dive though. Winston’s and Dva’s feelings are hurt. T.T. She still makes it hard to be do much as winston considering he can’t kill anything she decides to pocket and rally is pretty much a winston no diving winston no diving winston no diving button.
She is a utility support.
-Gives armor
-Hard to kill
-Burst heals+armor
-Protects the back line
-Stun and boop
Of course it’s going to take all day for Tracer to get through his >1000HP and 50% damage reduction.
It takes anyone all day to do that. That’s basically the point of Roadhog.
It’s other squishies that you one clip, not Tanks. They expressly nerfed pulse bomb because it was making her good against tanks which she otherwise takes a long time to deal with. She beats them by outlasting and not getting hit by them right now.
It’s a team game. Focus Brigitte. She’s a larger, slower, immobile target who melts under focus fire.
With Tracer, you still actually have to hit her. With Brigitte, the only reason you can’t hit her is if she’s behind a tank’s shield or you’re reloading.
Honestly why 5 of all numbers? I could have understand if it was like 25 dmg especially since its on a 7s cd with a stun, but 5dmg? Its so pitiful.
No she was designed to OS Tracer at the first place, Brigitte is not good to protect a team mate now, she can’t even protect her self.
I think you’re a little loss Jessicka. Im sharing stories of bad plat tracers. What im talking about has nothing to do with tracers balance or state of anything. Sharing how a bad tracer is spending all day trying to kill one roadhog while her team loses.
or you could be damage amped or have tracer discorded or just focus her with her team, the same way u kill brig.
The outrage over not being able to one shot combo Tracer really shows this forums lack of understanding on why Tracer is a throw pick against Brig. Most Tracer players don’t even get stunned by her, Brig counters Tracer because of the armor from her ultimate and her armor pack ability.
It’s the impact dmg. Like the dmg you get when tracer sticks her bomb on you or when you get slept by Ana.
And Tracer was designed to be vulnerable to being one shot. Getting not-one-shot is what Recall is for, to take advantage of a missed opportunity.
Brig counters Tracer becuase of the THREAT of the stun.
Also learn to read the OP.
A support should have never been able to insta delete tracer by herself. Brigs healing and armor she throws out is a huge counter to tracer in itself. If literally anyone on your team follows up brigs stun on a tracer, she’s dead. You brig mains need to calm tf down, brig is also getting a huge sustain buff. Roadhog has been buffed, mcree fan the hammer buffed, reaper buffed, Ashe is a hard tracer counter. There are more options to counter tracer now, we don’t need brig players instantly deleting tracer by rolling her face against the keyboard.
If the threat of the stun was enough, McCree or Sombra would be enough.
They never have been.