Smurfs strike again! Toxic 1.5 hour game

It’s a pattern, he’s toxic on 9/10 of his posts.


He did imply it was a made up story for no apparent reason. While not toxic, it was kind of sus, you have to admit.


Same thing happened when I posted my infamous 5 hour match. People thought the screenshots were photoshopped and the vod deepfaked lol. You just can’t win with kind of iq gamers possess.


Doesn’t he do that concerning cheaters in OW as well? Or am I thinking of someone else.

It was honestly bittersweet and Im not sure why. I was tired at the end, I knew that we were being played and that aside from maybe a few lucky shots at some point later on, my skill wasnt at his level and he knew it. It also took up 90% of our playtime that night.

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I had a ball Smurf yesterday and he was so toxic because we where bad. And I was like if you don’t want to play with worse people then you would you Smurf… And then I remembered he probably smurfing because he can’t win in his own rank. And just decides the ruin the game for everyone els.

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Take in mind the select hero screen and i think the point count don’t add to that time (And i think the set up phase doesn’t either)
Could’ve been a 50m game timer, 1.5h Real time
(Damn this is reminds me of speedrun)

That said tho, it could just be that comp games don’t cancel

Edit: If you look at the time on the replay list (Not inside the replay) It says 22:40, which could be that the game lasted 22m Game time, which is actually quite far from the 1h

You cant win at your rank, why you think about what is happening at his rank? Are you playing for him or you lost? He can win at his rank at least and then he can come at you, and you have no options like that. That should be your thoughts at first place. Then you fix it and don’t have smurf issue anymore. FInd him at his rank and prove him wrong!

I can assure you that the time actually played was not 22 minutes. I get what youre saying and maybe actual play time was less than 1 hr 26 minutes, but time in game pushing the cart and defending was not 22 minutes. It probably takes 3-5 minutes just to walk the cart to the end and each team did that like…12 times or something?

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You remember it wrong. People who sell unranked accs just doing 6v6 with eachother in qp game since level 1. They contest the point for 4 hours then one of teams just leaving the point and each member get 60k exp. In comp you can easily do 30:30 if you have full smurf stack against bronze people. First round you stomp em then stay afk, repeat until you get bored or enemy leave.

These things exists since 2016.

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Nothing about painstakingly winning one hour and half match will make the winning player feel good when you realise the smurfs will do the exact same thing to some other random player and their teammates, just because they can and blizzard isn’t going to do a thing about this.

The only thing it accomplishes is making the victims too tired to even play this game anymore and feel hopeless at the situation that this game company allows this game to run on.

I implore wyoming to make a case with blizzard about this. Smurfs ruining games in every elo and hijacking match control for their sociopathic delight has to stop.


Oh boy man LOL. This’ll be interesting

This has literally never happened to me in 4 years.

I doubt it’s an epidemic very highly

Wow that’s pretty long lol

A gold player playing in silver is not smurfing

Been in a few like op described, but not to that extreme. Immediately realized what was going on after 3rd team wipe. Gave up, told team to give up, don’t give this filth the satisfaction. Enemy team had the nerve to message us about giving up, and they where mad.


I have noticed this too. I too no longer get any splash screens. If I do, it once a month. I am still reporting the toxic players that are abusive, cheating or throwing… but nothing received. They have pulled the plug on that department. Deny all you want, OW’s slow death has begun.

The throwing on smurfing and alt accounts is rampant because they are going unpunished. Only people being punished now are single account players trying there hardest. It is demorallizing to face nothing but multistacks of new accounts that are “on their first PC account.”. I mean, the excuses have become so old that they are actually used as jokes now.

I am tired of the toxicity in this game. It is now common practice to say “EZ/GET GUD” instead of “ggwp”. It used to be a fun team based game. Now it is loaded with trolls and jerks that are encouraged to by more cheap accounts to defile the comp ranking system. I guess Blizztivision thinks more active accounts makes the game look like its not in trouble?

Honestly, we all know Blizz left this game to become a dumpster fire a couple months ago. OW was not even mentioned at Blizzcon. It is nothing but tragedy after tragedy when there is releases… bad press from abusive esports weenies… and failing esports league making suggestions/releases that can’t relate to 90% of the player base.

I also have no hope for OW2. They are going to remove avatar borders to protect who? The single account players, orrrr the alt accounts and smurfs, that swamp the game after the first price drop. It will have the same problems that were never addressed in this game. just brushed under the rug until OW3…


Smurfing not a problem guys, you just need to improve and learn from it.
I only watched a few moments, but dem, this is just sad.

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I still get report notifications daily!

wait i thought there was draws. shouldnt have that game ended at 6-6?

i wouldnt know since on that map i dont think i ever went beyond 6-6… or past the 3rd round. but dam 16 rounds and you win with i think 24-23… thats INSANE!!!

i think they should just draw it at 6-6, i know people hate draws but i feel it would be better than having a hour long game

yes that smurf was a psychopath throwing those “draw” after rounds just so he can pwn on the next round and continuously doing that again and again and again… another reason there should be draws i think