Smurfs should be hardware banned

I don’t think there’s anything fine about deranking or intentionally playing badly to maintain a lower rank than you should be in.

But there are 32 drastically different heros in Overwatch and it is perfectly feasible that someone may be a diamond level player on one or two of those heroes and a silver level player on the rest.

So players who would like to enjoy all 32 of those heroes in competitive can either do so on one account, where their rank will be somewhere in between those skill levels. Or they can have a dedicated account for the higher skill level characters and a second account for the characters that they play at a lower skill level.

And I never said it was Blizzard’s fault that there aren’t players in those high tiers, I just said wait times are long. Because of course they are, diamond and above represents only 10% of the player base.

It’s both. You are 1/6th of a team. If your skill level is above average within your rank, you will win more games than you lose over time. If your skill level is below average, you will lose more games than you win–over time.

Why is this hard to understand?

You obviously don’t know anything about bronze level hell. If you are high silver low/mid gold stuck in bronze, the matchmaking keeps pairing you with throwers, leavers, and against smurfs in a regular basis. So end up playing with your silver/gold skill vs platinum+ players in bronze and keep losing.

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I enjoy encountering smurfs. It’s a chance to learn. When they are on my team, I work to enable them (win!). When they are on the opposing team, I try and get my team to hard counter. Many times, they congratulate me on the shutdown and are just having fun.


That’s why raising the level cap to 75 or 100 to play comp will make farmers charge the account $ much higher due to much more work, which then, players will buy less accounts due to inflated prices.

You aren’t a “high silver/low/mid gold” player stuck in bronze. That isn’t a thing. You are a bronze player. If you were playing at a gold or silver level, you’d climb. Maybe in a previous season you were a higher ELO. But the overall skill level of the player base has improved. I think that bronze today is about where mid to low silver was two or three years ago.

Here is a prime example, that how the scum only fun is to ruin games for all others.


You can also look up his stats. Game before that his team also claimed he was top500 celebrity player.

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I ageee hardware banned

Holy Necro Batman!!!

Yes, it does. I have 4 accounts, hardware assigned ready to go. :slight_smile: Lets do this.

it’s the dollar bill that kills yall

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silly pleb, i deal only with 100’s!

whats a boosted thrower?

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Urs, lets hardware ban people so that gaming cafes cant run overwatch. I love the way you think.