Smurfs are good. We need more smurfs

I love smurfing in low elo and always getting pog but never lvling up lol

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Aim not needed when McCree can just right click and I never complained that I can’t climb?.. All I said was that does Smurfs teach people nothing while tank and support ones generally do.

In my personal experience, one does better if they can aim than just FTHing everyone.

You dont have to be rude. Yes they are common, its just not that visible. I know many many people who have alt accounts. In fact I know only very few people who have only 1 account. You will surely notice someone who is supposed to be 2+ ranks above. Yes, many people are placed closed to their original elos but many of them are playing lower. Still a lot of alt accounts/smurs is higher big portion of SR from their elo and they like to have fun in lower ranks because its frustrating in their main acc elos. It creates another problem, people on alts often dont care about result of match that much which is not exactly good for the ones who care.

I see you are platinum player, I have question for you. Do you really enjoy match facing enemy widow who is in reality 3500 hitscan main on alt acc being on low plat account alt. OR do you enjoy the match more against widow main who is around your SR or just slightly higher. Playing against someone sligthly higher, lets say +100-+300 SR is clearly challege and it can help you to be better and you can climb. Playing against 3500 guy is not challenge, because he will destroy you from simple fact he belongs in 3500 while you are low plat and you will lose even when you are better widow than people in your elo. But you cant win against 3500 guy.

So why are smurfs good? I just dont see it and I have more than 7 account myself so I know what I am talking about. I honestly often feel bad for destroyed people when I was in elo I didnt belong, because they had no chance. There wasnt place to improve against me, because they were simply slaughtered.


How can you even justify smurfs as being good? Part of me says this is pure sarcasm, but the other part feels like you’re being real… and in which case… WTF. How about we let professional players go back to college and play whatever their sport is while they’re at it? Smurfs will eventually snuff out games, especially their competitive, because guess what: people get stuck with them… some of them are throwing the games because they want to maintain a certain rank. How do those of us who are on our main account combat that if someone is throwing to maintain a rank? To lower their rank so that they may? How do we? Oh, practice with our aim is your suggestion, practice with map positioning. I’ve played with people in Platinum and Diamond, while I’m stuck with Gold, and they have said I played quite well. But I can’t move up because I’m stuck with smurfs either throwing on my team, or going balls to the wall on the other team. A Widowmaker that does not miss any shots, but: “LAWL! I’m not smurfing! I’m just good!” How egotistical are you, how low is your self-esteem that you have to PRETEND to not be a smurf so that strangers on the internet will think you are actually new and just really good?

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THIS has to be the biggest B.S. argument that smurf fans bring up on this forum. If, buy their argument, one player can carry a team, it logically follows that one player can destroy a team.




Funny how we low rankers must accept smurfs/throwers/etc, but high rankers almost have a stroke when a boosted/one-trick/lower rank player is on their team.


Ladies, Gentlemen and Omnics, we have a winner!

This is because we think your incompetence is amusing.

Ah, so you’re a sociopath!

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Wow, such baseless generalizations and extreme inaccuracies pretty much make anything you say in your post nothing but completely ridiculous…

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You’re gold. of course you’re going to think you know what you’re saying. You’re like the folk who think it’s their team that keeps them back and won’t accept any advice for improvement.

How is that even a logical argument? We’re not saying that we would end up as a T500 or GM, but we can’t even climb to a higher ranking no matter how well we play because we’re stuck against players who are already better than us… a sniper who never misses who happens to get on the team that listens to them when they say: “Just pocket me, and we’ll win!” and that’s exactly what they do… because their main account may be a Master, GM, or T500 as a sniper.

We accept advice to improve, but we can’t improve so long as we are still getting these people matched against us.

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First of all, you are still using generalizations without any reason to use such in the first place whatsoever and secondly, by ““advice””, do you mean “jUsT gIt GuD lOl” and “cLicK tHe HeAd”, because if we are gonna talk about generalizations, then that’s all people hear from ““high - ranked”” players…

I’m not making generalizations, I’m saying this is what most people in low elos do. If you accept the blame, realize you’re bad and spend time to get better, you’ll probably rank up and noone can stop that.
Otherwise… git gut & jus click the head lul.

“Me too, I’m not making any generalizations, I’m saying this is what ““advice”” most people in high elos give”

Do you see how wrong this sounds? And really, do you have any proof of this? Most players I personally come across want to improve and try so every single time.

Okay, so let’s say we do practice… which, personally, I do. I will not say everybody does to avoid generalizations as I cannot speak for others: but I do. How can my practice now determine the players that I am matched with, whether on my team or against me, whether they are throwing, quitting, or someone in T500 is on their 4th account playing their main and just shutting us down? How do I combat that?

This guy’s a troll, or a sociopath. Why waste time on him?

Your practicing can’t in games like that. Sry. But it can help you in normal games. Seeing smurfs though, should remind you of your goals.

Sometimes I’m feeling nice and enjoy giving advice. It’s rarely taken. What you’re describing is not my experience lol. Good on you for that though but who wouldn’t describe themselves as doing things right. You probably blame your team just like the rest.