Smurfs and Obvious Cheaters

Why do it? To “have fun” or to boost your ego? Or just because you’re bored? Go outside. Go look at a tree, sometimes they have ants in them and those are pretty cool. Or, and this is a crazy idea, you could stop cheating and ruining the game for others, especially those who actually like to have fun and PLAY the game, not getting rolled by a 3800+ widow in silver, or worse yet, someone who is level 25, kills 11 people in 2 teamfights, and then complains the game is too easy… THEN DONT PLAY IT. If you really want to flex your mechanics, go play csgo. Stop ruining arguably the best shooter game to date.


Most of them have self esteem issues, which causes them to have a lack of empathy. It’s an issue with society in general


To sell/boost account for nice little pocket money.

You see, while you paid to play the game, some are getting paid for playing.