Policy on Smurfs

I’m seriously starting to lose my interest in this game. Every game there is 1-3 smurfs. The Ranked games aren’t balanced anymore. Smurfs don’t care if they win or lose and they start flaming because of it. Smurfs are cancer of this game and blizzard should start doing something with smurfs. Gold - Diamond is smurf hell…


Yeah i agree, The amount of smurfs in this game is insane, And they do nothing to really stop it. I’d really like to see something implemented to punish or stuff people smurfing


Join the club, nothing like getting into a game and notice a dual-triple queue where one is lvl 20-30 who just happens to be an elite crack shot with Widowmaker.


Smurfs equates to copies sold. Copies sold equates to PR brag, that will give a false impression of a successful game. Selling more copies. And all copies sold equates to money earned.

And that’s the only thing Blizzard cares about now a days. Long gone are the days when the company was a bunch of nerds in love with making games. The nerds might still be working there, but their love for game making is strangled by the leadership’s love for money making.


Instead of punishing smurfs/alternate account users, they should make the minimum level to attend competitive games higher, therefore more of a chore to get to. First prestige/star and you’d be good to go.
Arcade comps could be open for everyone since they’re mostly for messing around for extra comp points.


I still say I don’t have a problem with smurfs. The throwing is the problem.
A smurf doesn’t care if the smurf account will get punished or banned, as long as their main is unaffected. So I keep suggesting, Blizzard should use a hardware punish/ban. That is the only way to stop the throwing by smurfs.

That way they can still sell as many smurfs as they want, with the added bonus that the person will think at least twice before throwing.


If you can think of a way to stop it that doesn’t also hurt new players, please share. There’s no way I can think of. The systems that already exist to ensure that smurfs can’t just stomp people at low levels repeatedly, though, work really well. They will get placed out of SR brackets they don’t belong in very quickly in those cases. It’s most likely that people you think are smurfs aren’t.


It’s kinda weird to see so many smurfs in a paid game, and a rather expensive one at that… Do people really have nothing better to do with their money? Jeez not even League has this many


We’re in a free week still… I think it ends today or tomorrow

On console (PS4) is even worse, you don’t need to pay again to create another account.


Well I lost 2 placement games back in S5 to smurfs after losing 3 games to pure throwers and decided that I’ll give competitive a try once they adjust MM and/or address smurfing and here we still are

What’s weird is that now even QP is littered with smurf players. With high MMR you used to only see them like once or twice every for every few days of grinding, but now you see them almost every fifth game. Today when I started playing first game: lvl 17 throwing with torb. The third game: a low level Symmetra throwing a game. A while after: low lvl Widow getting 1-3 picks before every teamfight. It’s really annoying

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i just uninstalled.

I’m done. 3 games in a row with bronze no prestige and shooting headshots with widow like nobodys business. Call me when they fix the game. I want my money back




I didn’t think smurfing would a huge issue until I witnessed it after coming back to the game.

And a lot of blatant aimbotting widows as well.


What I don’t also understand is that some people using multiple account wear them like badges of honor.
“Look I have two other accounts I use to bully lower ranks, they just can’t get good. My main is in masters.”
It’s true that people like challenges and see them as ways to improve, but thinking you’re actually doing something good by just going to ruin other people’s games either by throwing or steamrolling over enemy team is just… delusional.

I’d happily skip a couple of events just so the game’s matchmaking and the handling of alternate accounts could be tweaked to near maximum potential.
Activision Blizzard should not look at the numbers of copies sold, but rather how many of those accounts are actually used for more than just throwing games and bullying lower ranks.


They have statistics for ABSOLUTELY everything. It would be easy if they wanted to.

I once encountered an amazingly good level 4 Tracer that didn’t finish one game. I believe I ended up on 4 matches with this person, and the player didn’t end one match. That is one way to stay forever on lower levels and not raise their MMR. It was before the leave penalty, though.

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How do you know they’re Smurfs?

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Cause they are better than him/her lol


That’s a pretty generalized statement lol

this is another thing they could solve with role queue

You can easily tell smurfs that have low rank and yet steamroll you like you’ve never played the game. When a bronze 1 star hanzo is dominating the entire game and destroying your team, it’s not just “having a good game”.