Smurfing this should be ban able

Same reason I’ve moved on alot more. I enjoy the game itself… but most games are bronze no star team stomps and it’s just not fun anymore. I didn’t even play half of the Holiday Event because at this point it’s just a grind to collect skins for a game you can’t enjoy anymore. The more people like us move on, the more the game is just high level players that are still making new accounts that WE have to play against.


People act like it is near impossible to prevent players that make the game unfair to newcomers. Why isn’t there integration with Blizzard account going across multiple systems or use a authentication system that helps weed out players. Final Fantasy 14 does it to weed out scammers and such and I am sure it can be done for Overwatch.

May not be the main problem in Overwatch, but games that feels unfair due to an experience player leveling your team seems unfair and same goes for the other way around. I want to win cause my team was evenly matched, not cause we have smurfs that stomp all over lower skilled players.


Smurfing shouldn’t be bannable or you would scare away veteran players from other games. When I first started playing overwatch I was already good enough to be placed mid-high diamond, without previously having played the game at all. I would have looked like a smurf to bronze/silver players. This was simply due to experience in other FPS games. So yea, I had an unfair advantage to other players based on external experiences outside of the match. Doesn’t mean I should have been banned.
e: I am in favor of HWID bans for repeat offences of extremely bad things. (ie: cheating) However, never on the first offence as I believe anyone can change and become a better person if given the chance. And everyone should be given that chance.

Allow me to tell you about Fallout 76.

match maker kinda sucks

Smurfing should be bannable and it’s disgusting to see a highlighted forum “tech sup” mod supporting it, probably smurfs themselves. Disgusting.

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Same issue 11 months later, pretty big mess up if you ask me.

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