GM? Sure. A consistent top 500 player? HUGE difference. It’s the difference between a diamond and a silver player. Like literally. That’s the SR difference.
Boosting is, though. And how can you parse the two? Every time a smurf is in a game, he’s basically boosting the whole team.
Yes it gives them an advantage. They have more skills, reflexes, and general ability with the game than the other players there. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t have been able to reach the higher levels in the first place in order to then go low and be considered a smurf. This is a bit like asking ‘Is it really unfair for a college student to be beating all these 3rd graders at basketball?’
Yes. Yes it’s unfair. It’s very brazenly unfair, and the fact that you cannot see this very simple thing makes me think you’re either being purposefully obtuse or you just don’t care about reality. Either way it makes it hard to take what you say seriously. (I’m trying so hard to just be like nice but also blunt, so I’m sorry if any of this comes off as weird or robotic, I’m doin’ my best here.)
It is an advantage, a strong one too. These players who have the ability to reach platinum and diamond and grandmaster are leaps and bounds better at this game - and ALL of it’s aspects - that it makes it an incredibly unfair experience to the players who don’t have those advantages.
Smurfing is cheating, because you are not playing at your proper rank. Even people who are unintentionally smurfing by just leveling up alt accounts are still having the same CONSEQUENCE, which is ruining the fairness and balance of all 11 other players in the matches that they wind up with.
Now you need to consider both how many people are just leveling up alt accounts, and add them with all the people like you who don’t see smurfing as a problem and realize - these are all turds in the Overwatch pool.
How many turds can float in the pool of Overwatch before swimmers just leave and never come back? How many turds do you think this game can reasonably support?
Because twitch viewership has plummeted, all of their brand deals and advertising deals have dried up overnight - remember Hanzo’s nipple on the pringles can? When was the last time you saw a hot new Blizzard tie in?
The game is fading because the overall experience of playing the game is generally a negative one rather than a positive one, and more smurfs and more turds are just going to make it even worse. If you really care about the game succeeding or staying alive even, you shouldn’t have the stance that you do.
6 diamonds can beat 1 t500 player. If you cant you don’t deserve to reach masters
I forgot that Overwatch was a 6v1 game
focus the one player down first, run dive, don’t try and force sym to work against them
It forces their team to go anti-dive, that makes the smurf reliant on their team that’s significantly worse than they are, they’ll make plays that they can do in GM but cant in diamond (it happens) and you can punish them for it, you just have to recognize the openings, it sucks but its very very possible
and if they don’t go anti dive then you get a free win
A) I’ve got the best shot if I use my strongest character - against the type of hero they tend to pick, my ult often will win fights especially when they’re in cocky locations
B) Good luck getting pubs to run a coordinated dive
B-2) Good luck not getting smashed by the enemy team while you try to focus one player in an inherently uncoordinated setting
forgo anti-dive
run dive
dive sym
free kill, game over
A: wrong, I don’t try and force genji to work against players I know are drastically better than me because im not a moron
B: if your team is coordinated enough to run standard dive you wouldn’t have won the game in the first place even without a smurf on the opposing team
B-2: Do it fast enough for them to not react
yeah if I ever had arcadium on the opposing team I would just instalock doomfist and ruin their game lmfao im not dealing with that
I already recognized this. I can understand how you see it’s immoral, but I disagree and I don’t want to put up with trying to change eachothers minds on something that is entirely opinion. But I know for a fact smurfing isn’t cheating.
Smurfs gain nothing or very little from smurfing. Sure there is a per-game advantage (in the first couple games), but it isn’t an unfair one and your basketball analogy doesn’t really apply. It’s like a prodigy 3rd grader that plays in multiple teams plays against other 3rd graders. It’s not unfair, the kid is just better. In the long run, smurfs might be able to hit a new peak and then slowly fall back to their normal average.
If you still disagree, the EULA says
cheats; i.e. methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard, influencing and/or facilitating the gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods;
No bugs are being abused, and you are not doing anything different than anyone else with a account (other than being a better player).
Smurfs will never die. Can we all get over it or at least accept it.
I think what bothers me more, is that people like to think smurfing isn’t a problem.
1.) Blizzard makes money from people buying the accounts, they just say that the system finds them and adjusts quickly. Im in plat, and I’d say at least 1/10 to 1/5 of my games has a smurf or alt account. Until the system figures out where people belong, a system that can be duped in the first place (ie bronze to gm runs), then you have players ruining games for other people the entire time. Either they win a game without deserving it because a smurf carried them, or you lose because you’re up against someone clearly out of your level. What are you even supposed to do at that point? I mean, I’ve literally felt helpless as an entire team tried to focus a god mcree that just wiped the floor with us.
Yeah, I’m noticing that mindset is pretty common. And it works. Maining Sym must be a rough life.
You’re mistaking cheats as in technical cheats vs. cheatING, which is “acting dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination.”
If you can’t see how smurfing is cheating, then I don’t know what to tell you. I can’t change your mind on it, but it is what it is.
“maining” a character is fine, when that character is a specialist hero, not so much, and when you one trick a specialist hero, that’s even less OK
Also no - because that implies somehow that the game is balanced simply because they’re all at the same age.
My analogy is thus : Someone with MORE SKILL and ability that has been tested as such to have this ability is pitted against someone that has LESS SKILL and has been tested, so we know that person A with more skill is definitely way better at this task than person B.
Implying that putting person A against person B is somehow ‘fair’ just because they are both people or both on the planet earth is ignoring the actual thing we’re comparing; skill.
You can’t say that smurfs are unskilled, otherwise they literally wouldn’t be smurfs. Smurfs are, by definition, skilled players that are playing in lower ranked games that they do not belong in. So we always know they have a higher skill than the players they are smurfing on. These are simply facts of the situation that they are creating, you can’t disagree because none of it is opinion.
If the smurf was equally skilled to the player they were playing against, then they wouldn’t be smurfing.
If one-tricking her isn’t okay, nor is maining her. She only works on like 2 maps.
She can work on a lot of maps but once they start counterplaying you you absolutely have to swap
in accordance with the rules or standards; legitimate.
Seems fair to me. You played yourself by using google definitions.
She works, just everything else works better.