Smurfing is a necessity

This is GM players saying they are forced to smurf because they can’t group up with their friends with the comp restriction.

They can QP to play with their friends, socially, and can still play comp. They have no excuses to smurf because of this.


The stacks were removed because of the hyper-competitive GM players that abused matchmaking for easy wins by 6-stacking and queuing at 3am in low population zones so they got matched up against diamond players.

EDIT: actually you know this…

So what’s YOUR plan to fix this? It’s funny how EVERY OTHER RANK has to pay for the sins of GM.


Oh I absolutely agree. Apologies since I missed the context of the context. Non-comp is there for “playing with friends” and buying skins not burners is the way to support their team. Though it’s still nothing but burner accounts in QP and very few “mains” (roughly speaking silver border and up).


This would mean people didnt had smurfs before the change to lock you off playing with stacks.
That is not true.
Tho i dont like change, as it was just a patch to the problem of people abusing system and playing stack vs lower ranks in time when less people play, insted of locking that from being posssible in matchmaking in the first place for all ranks…


In competitive they should force soloQ only :neutral_face:

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Put simply:

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

You can not like what Blizzard has done. That’s all well and good. But that doesn’t make it okay for you to ruin other people’s games.

Well, that’s the thing. There’s always been some “reason”, some excuse. “I want/need to smurf because…”

It’s all just a way for people to justify their terrible behavior. A way for them to justify ruining games for people. Whatever “reason” you want to use, it doesn’t make it right.


Youre missing the part where Competitive isn’t about having fun with their friends. Its about playing competitively, therefore its not an issue that can be solved if said solution doesn’t come with the biproduct of negatively effecting fairness. Until blizzard can waive their magical wand to come up with a solution, the only acceptable thing you can do is play quick play. You should not be making it other peoples problems and ruining other peoples games by smurfing.


That’s not an excuse for smurfing. Plus smurfing has always existed.

6-stacks were removed from GM for a reason. If stacks were facing other stacks, it wouldn’t be an issue, but some GMs would stack in off hours against randoms to get easy wins. When the population at those hours are low, the SR difference is wonky, so the game pulls in random people to get a game started.


Not all smurfs are GM players. Master, Diamond and even Plat players can also smurf if the rank in which they smurf is low enough.

Plus, GM is only 1% of the entire playerbase. Smurfing wouldn’t be as common if they were the main smurfing demographic.

Something or someone else being the cause of a problem is not an excuse to add to the problem yourself.

Also, do you honestly really believe that most smurfs do it because ‘otherwise they can’t play with friends’ and not because of selfish and/or malicious intent?


The OCCASIONAL smurf? I’ve had a single Plat game that had TWO Masters DPS on the enemy team and one TOP 500 Widow on MY team. If you load into a competitive match and see a bunch of bronze borders in Plat, your first assumption is that you’re about to get ROLLED.


Bruh that doesn’t excuse ruining people’s games


You can still stack in quickplay. Not doing so is by your own decision. Dont tell me you dont like quickplay as its not competitive when the other option is creating a smurf and stomping people way below your rank in comp.


Man, people who smurf will grasp for any straw to delude themselves what they are doing is not a completely awful, malignant decision.

Shame on you man, shame on all of you. Man up, and play on your main. I know you think you are better than your rank, but you are not. You rolling new accounts to screw up the match making for easier matches is probably very cathartic, I get it, you are winning more, we all get it.


There’s something profoundly funny about arguing gms would never be happy playing qp because they need the competitive experience… and then using that to justify playing in lower tiers where you’re intentionally creating imbalanced (uncompetitive) games. I think the real message here is that you find uncompetitive games are fine if you get to have an edge going into them. Don’t worry that seems to be the common element in anyone who chronically smurfs.


They’re not even close.

One is actively damaging the experience of other people so that you can enjoy yourself more.
The other is saying “I don’t care what your justification for doing the above is”.

You could make this analogy with any bad action. Unsurprisingly there is usually a motive for someone doing something wrong. It doesn’t mean that the motive needs to be considered reasonable.

You’re saying that people doing something bad, and people who don’t excuse bad actors purely out of sympathy for their motivations are morally the same. It’s an absurdist take.

I’m sympathetic to the cause. GM’s should be allowed to group too - if anything groups should have less of an impact on GM level players than groups do on lower ELO’s because players naturally understand their role and timings better - and probably have better communication and teamwork skills at higher ranks.

With that said, smurfing must stop. So do both - allow GM’s to group - ban all smurf accounts.


I understand the reasoning behind the change to help improve matchmaking. However imo the quality of matches went down, when a simple duo q of a mercy pocket and dps could totally dominate the game due to everyone now being solo queuers, and having way less coordination. When played properly Overwatch is at its peak when you are playing in a coordinated 6 stack. It felt more like a punishment to those who played the game the way it was designed. Now it’s kinda like solo/duo q in LoL, where if everyone is solo q apart from two people in a duo, that duo is likely going to control the whole game, due to lower levels of coordination. Not to mention solo q in general is way more toxic.

I think a better solution would’ve been to make it so that groups would be guaranteed to play against another group of the same size on the enemy team. E.g a duo is guaranteed to play against a duo, a 4 stack is guaranteed to play against a 4 stack, etc.


I think they call this “boosting”. There are so few players at that tier that a stack can just own it.

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Well done for using a buzzword to support an argument against something I didn’t say.

I didn’t say anyone is as guilty as them.

I don’t agree with Ninetales especially as this is not the only reason people smurf (a plat in bronze is just as bad). I thought that was clear in my post before but I am reiterating it.

But if people don’t start actually considering other people’s problems, we end up with an “us & them”.

Lower ranked people that don’t care about the issues GM players face are similar to those GM players that don’t care about balance in lower rank “because they don’t play the game properly”.

I simply asked you to consider a stated problem from someone - heavens forbid.

Victim blaming… Jesus Christ.

I know it’s not the only reason people smurf, but it’s definitely one of the most solvable issues.

Would want there to be a “reset sr/mmr” option for people wanting to get a fresh start if they feel like they are better than their rank but can’t climb too.

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