Smurf Problem - Replays Incl

Replay - W2VWC8
I am still shaking from this match that really sums up what low rankers go through at least once per Overwatch session. We can never sit down and not have at least one of these stand out games that just felt awful.

I know I played bad towards the end, I was so freaking pissed and was so sick of the enemy teams comments in text chat.

And for high branches that think this was a one off thing. Here are all my matches for tonight’s session. Go ahead and laugh, I suck, whatever.

Rank - Silver
NGP6ND - Win
49N9M7 - Win
2PSJM7 - Loss
BX7M1C - Loss
W2VWC8 - Loss (5 Starter Level Players)

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so who is the smurf because all of those players were not good

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Which is easier for you OP or RQ?

OQ because when lop-sided matches happen I don’t have to sit and ponder life waiting for the next game. I am fine on either role.

I just don’t play tank in role queue much, because if you are remotely doing well in a match, then the enemy will hard counter all the tank choices and you just have to hold that L.

you know i just finished the whole game with the widow and now i am actually mad you lost to this garbage can widow. This dude hits the luckiest shots all game. shame on you for losing to this kid. I was actually rooting for you.

Well, better to be lucky than good is what I hear. Sorry to disappoint, I seem to be talented at just that.

I used to do 3 hour aim training sessions every day for months, because I seriously don’t have a lucky bone in my body (talent? Whats that?).

But I have still been silver-gold since S1, so basically worthless improvement. A garbage can widow is still probably blue, smurfy, and better than me.

Not worthless improvement. If you stagnate and don’t bother to improve then you will drop as the people around you also improve. The issue is that you need to improve faster than them to climb.

It’s not a ladder, it’s a fish tank.

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The lowest rank I have ever been was RQ Silver as support. I manage to climb my way out of it into plat. I’m not here to judge or offer top 500 advice but maybe you can give playing support a try if you are up for RQ.

I have well over 1,000 hrs on Mercy and super jump is easier to me than frying up a couple of eggs. With all that I have never enjoyed high ranks with her. Crazy, right.

At Silver rank, most low levels are just new players, not smurfs. I have been through Silver myself, and can say this with 100% certainty. Sure you will get the occasional blatant smurf, but then again, you sometimes get them on your team too.

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I’ve been through silver too, and there’s a lot of smurfs who play there. They like to stick around silver so they can have roflstomp games (unless the other team has a smurf).

And it’s never fun playing with a smurf, regardless of what team they are on. They just suck all the fun out of a game.

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You don’t have to play Mercy there other supports that can help you climb. Also what is your definition of high rank?

Bruh… The lack of self confidence over a video game is Intoxicating. :worried:

Uhh, I kinda don’t believe that because 3 hrs of aim training is more than enough to lucky headshot drop anyone with McCree/ashe/widow…

You need to learn to be more oppressive as Tank. Tank is honestly the hard carry role in this game.

Yay, another smurf game.
The Smurf in question is named Drum Roll
Running out of names, I guess. But I am sure they are just a normal garbage can too. What the heck do me know, lol.

Oh and I did get in a Mercy game if you wanna riddle how someone with 1000hrs can still be just honestly stuck in Silver-Gold.

Frying eggs is pretty easy. Just dont use a metal spatula in a non stick ceramic frying pan, that’s a no no. If you want submit the replay code for your fried eggs and I’ll give you pro tips all day. You can climb bro. Chef code out, peace

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