Smurf problem in low plat

Easy solution ban all acounts with 100 win percentage with 100 level or less i just played a 2490 sr and the mcree on my team solo kill the enemy team for 3 times!! The enemy team had 0 chance of winning i don’t want fake wins. Fix ur games blizzard!!


Strange to see a man with honor. I think the same as you. I don’t want fake wins or forced loss. There is not quality in matches from bronze to GM. You can play any rank and you will see the same players.

When you low you will see high gold or low plat smurf in bronze: in middle Elo you will find a lot plat who should be silver or low gold. In diamond you will find bad master and smurf GM.

  1. Winning isn’t against the rules.
  2. Being low level isn’t against the rules.
  3. This proposed rule would ban literally every new player who won their first game.

The game is working for me, I think you need to fix your logic and assumptions.


No i just want smurfs to be banned. The enemy team had 0 chance of winning i could of left the game and my team still won 5v6 with that guy explain that to me. Btw new players? That is rare there all smurfs


Ah OP suffers from the L2P issue… i see


Per the reporting system definition of cheating, anything that gives an unfair advantage is cheating.

A high tier player on a low tier smurf has an unfair advantage over players actually in those low tiers, thus they’re cheating.


That was smartest comment here so far

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What if you need a new account for some reason

Sr system doesnt measure accuratly bc teamplay is not incentivized. Thats whats killing the game theres no reason to group up.

Explain how this is an unfair advantage? specifically the unfair part. All I see is a player more skilled than their competition.

A player played better. they deserve to climb. your life would be better once they’ve climbed out of your games.
If the player is artificially trying to keep their SR low to stomp in games, that’s gameplay sabotage.

There’s literally nothing here that involves cheating.

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Because they’re playing on an account that’s in a rank they’re not normally in.

Of course they’re more skilled because they’re a higher tier player playing in lower tiers!

It’s like an NBA star playing in a junior high game.

According to Blizzard’s rules there is.

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Or just get better at the game and report throwers?

I was placed low gold and after 200h qp i steamrolled blind until end of plat.
I won nearly every single game out of 4 seasons.

Don’t expect to play like a gold and climb to master easy as that.

I’m over lvl 1000 and played gold - plat.
Pretty much never have I seen a smurf as ppl deschribe them.
Yes I’ve played against gm players. But nevet against a smurf ruining my games. :sweat_smile:

Gm’s are better, so don’t get offended when a 3.8k ana outplays your low plat moves.

I for example was gold and was destroing plat and some dia. :sweat_smile: U know you dont have to stay at your rank. You can practice.

I was silver, could barely aim, after 300h aim improvements. My opponents are the ones who just can’t aim.
And I’m not smurfing.
Just bc I started as a pleb and became mainstream good.

I have this one friend, I try to help. But he always just goes: i play for fun, i don’t want to be better and become pro.
And i’m pretty sure he will stay around low gold forever. :sweat_smile:

For what reason? Except wanting to destroy lower elo

You do not need more than one account to play Overwatch.


I also don’t need a 144hz monitor or television on a separate screen. But I’m gonna have em anyway.


Exactly my point. It’s a choice.

Actually… Its not.
What does the gm do what the diamond can’t?
Aim? No excuse.
Gamesense? No excuse

Wall hack? Well thats unfair.

I know how it can feel, I was my life a gold/silver.
But after 300h against plat/dia I played like a high plat in my low gold games.
Not my fault the MM thinks I belong there.

Throwing is not allowed, but if I play zen 24/7 I’m 100% silver/gold.
If I play tracer 24/7 I’m high plat.

Now you have ppl telling you, not flexing = throwing.
My tank play is gold at best. Now tell me, am I not allowed to play heroes I’m good or bad with?

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The GM has GM level game experience, game sense and skill that the Diamond player does not.

So if the GM player plays on a Diamond smurf they’re bringing GM level game experience, game sense, and skill into Diamond matches. That’s an unfair advantage over the other Diamond players in the match who’ve never played at GM level.

Thus, according to Blizzard’s rules, the GM player is cheating.

And what does the gm what the dia can’t do?
Wheres the advantage?

If you are a godlike aim god, but have terrible gamesense and positioning, you won’t go higher than plat on tank.
But you could go ez dia on widow.

Without role q and I mean deep role q.
Like hitscan, projectile seperate etc. It might be possible…

I can just one trick junkrat and will be gold if not lower its not hard if you’re not used to the hero and still tryhard.

But then I feel tracer is better on that map. Yeah some players are better with some heroes.

It will never be possible in a game where I can be braindead bc I can’t play hero A but I could have 500h experience on hero B and just steamroll. :sweat_smile:

Moba watch woul be the best MM experience as it takes every players hero skill into consideration

I can guarantee you, but me into gold games or even silver and let me play roles/heroes I don’t enjoy and never play, they will kill me like a noob. :sweat_smile:

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blizzard doesnt care about anything below gm
we dont matter
they want $murfs because they buy new accounts
only the top 1% matters
once you accept that you will be better off
$murfs are how blizz makes money atm