Smurf’s and the impact on Overwatch

Because a lot of accounts don’t belong in silver, or diamond, or masters. But they’re there anyway, because ladder mobility is a joke. And the % collision rate would be small (even with birthday paradox effects). During a reset you’re getting actual placements for all accounts - not anchor/stuck/fake placements.

You’re randomly sampling the population, creating gold/plat equivalent games. Those that underperform go into loser brackets and the winners go into winner brackets. The first 15 matches are like playing a tournament with the remaining active playerbase, jostling for positions on a small number of rungs. And there are fewer rungs than the SR numbers we use to represent 4+ years of no-reset burner corrupted winrate, I mean “skill”. Most experts can only narrow someone’s skill down to within 1000sr, which is more than enough resolution for a reset.

Also the effect of smurfs is diminished as they will be remixed and redistributed equally into these reset matches. Any account that isn’t throwing is going to place well above the cesspool waters of e.g. low bronze, where high variance disruption is most pronounced.


I understand what you are getting at but the real question is why are there so many smurfs and why are there so many people stuck in lower elos that they probably should be. If we had more of the casuals feeding their points into the system people could actually climb to at least somewhat close to what they belong to.

Think of this way.

When there are 1 million players there are about 250,000 plat players seeing as plat is about top 35-10 percent of players. When there are only say 250,000 players you cut that number down to 62500 at least in theory.

I wouldnt be opposed to a ladder reset as to sort of correct it. But the truth is you really need to deal with the dead ladder also. A good part of why so many people are smurfing is cause the ladder has almost no movement anymore. People want to see results. No one likes being hardstuck at x rating season in season out even though someone that is 2000 at season 5 is actually a far better player at 2000 during season 10 due ot the fact that all ladders evolve with time.

Because smurfs.

Smurfs make you burn more calories than you should otherwise have to for your rank. Queues, leavers, trolls. People get sick and tired of that. They get better faster than their SR would indicate, because there is a lot of apathy and gonext. If they’re throwing you burn more trying to carry, if they’re carrying you burn more trying to keep up. Win 3-4 games, get your +100sr, and the MM/mmr will find you sweaty hard smurf matches faster then you’re paid out by rank.

Either way too much play for too little pay. The effort isn’t worth the reward when there is no reset or light at the end of the tunnel.

Because most people are actually boosted and wouldn’t maintain their main rank just having fun, learning on the account, or grinding golden guns in non-peak condition. They keep 1 main account parked up high, play it in a trusted stack, queue dodge/snipe and make friends as need be. They go full caffeine/tryhard for a few matches netting a 50/50, then log off. They swap over to one of their 2-3 other burner accounts to derp around at lower ranks and dispose of their remaining time/energy that way.

Most games solve this with a better development team, a proper reset, and/or a banwave for disruptive alts. But Bobby likes his millions.


Cause they are tired of the game? Because they just want to ruin games for lower ranks? I don’t know… but it’s been happening… and it’s been happening the last 4-5 months ALOT more than before. And nothing is being done… and with your comment… “just rank out” isn’t helpful for those who are dealing with people and groups of Smurf’s doing this… (maybe your one of them)

bud I have a job and I believe it would be VERY idiotic to spend money multiple times for the same game on the same platform. Literally the only reason I even have more than one account is because I had to get one to play on PC as my main is on xbox. If account sharing/transfer was a thing like it should be that would have never happened.


Smurfs exist because of Match Making Rating, which is a handicapping system.


It’s almost there now, so why not put the final nail in the coffin and call it a year?


I agree it plays a big part but please don’t say everyone as you are not speaking for me. It is NOT the sole reason why mmr is so horrible for me now.

For me it is a combo of things that nothing has been done about besides the smurfing. And this happens in the majority of my matches which is why I am down around 1500 SR from what I used to be pre-RQ.

  • Healing dps. Ana’s and Moria’s running around chasing the enemy vs healing. Baptiste standing far back (sometimes platform camping) and only dpsing.

  • 2 dive tanks who keep solo diving or 1 dive 1 dps tanks especially on maps where a shield thrives. Of course then I go against a team with 2 shields or 1 rein and they role us.

  • Leavers. I have had (over the past 3 seasons) over 40 leavers on my team and 0 on the other team. Finally had a leaver on the other team but since am already at about 5 more leavers on my team and 0 the other team.

I disagree I don’t think they are ‘smurfing’ because there isn’t any movement on the ladder. I think they are smurfing to intentionally ruin people’s matches that want to climb. If what your saying were true they wouldn’t keep deranking over and over and over and making groups called (throwing to bronze!) to recruit more people to ruin other people’s games!. This is a huge problem! And it’s gone on way longer than it should have and blizzard really needs to act extremely aggressively on this because honestly isn’t competitive play in overwatch suppose to be their main attraction to this game? What good is it if they keep letting this go on and not serverly seek out and punish these groups of players intentionally smurfing and ruining people’s games. They are making a mockery of the competitive system blizzard put in. Soo… where are the real solutions guys? Brainstorm !

There are some players like this, but they are very small minority among the players who use alt accounts.

I have many people who smurf among my friends and I have met many players who smurfs or were deranking and I dont think I have ever met anyone who would do this just for the fun to ruin games to others.

  1. Raise entry level to comp
  2. Rework placement system
  3. Create automatic system to catch players who derank, based on winrate/being afk and stuff like that.

Those are some solutions blizzard should take into account and optimize upon. But there are more solutions that would help figure this out and put a permanent stop to this.

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a couple of days ago i lost 13 matches against a Rein/Ana duo. which dominated every single game. like solo spawn camping dominating. like 20m payload distance in 4 minutes dominating. every single game was a disaster. what reason could the matchmaker have to put me (and the others) against those players?

recently i saw some open profiles. players with 3700 SR in Damage but 600 on Open. players with season highs of 3K but currently 600 “we had some bad games”… i’m <500 and i have those as enemies. am i really supposed to carry against them to get out of bronze?


RQ is just as littered with those. Honestly as long as a smurf(s) arent so far above that they just crush my team i dont mind. Its the throwing that really makes things nasty.

“They crush my team, I don’t mind”

So your logic is if someone throws on your team then your not ok with that because you get a loss, but if you were to play against these Smurf’s that destroyed your team let’s say 20 games back to back and you lose off that… Then that’s okay and doesn’t upset you?

I really don’t understand how you can be all for smurfing. In my opinion it’s just as bad when done on purpose.

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Did you actually read their post or were you just aiming to obviously misquote them to make a point?

They said

As in “As long as they DONT just crush their team singlehandedly then they don’t mind”.

Meanwhile your “quote” was

This is why you can’t trust media anymore kids. They can quote words you say yet conveniently leave some out to completely distort it to fit a narrative.


Have one of my accounts in bronze and can confirm. Every single session I’ll have multiple games against admitted smurfs (you ask them and half the time they’ll cop to it). Had a game awhile back with an enemy hanzo who admitted he was t500 smurfing in bronze, he went 68-0. The fact that apologists expect you to “just climb bro” shows how dead the future of this game really is


Where did they say “as long as the (DONT) crush my team?”

He literally said.

As long as they AREN’T so far above them that they crush their team.

You conveniently chose to leave out the negative to make it look like they wholeheartedly support smurfing.

My only current issue with a smurf from any rank is when they tell me I’m bad, like bruh I know, thats why I’m in my current rank and not in your mains rank.

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i dont support it at all, But for me personally im not stressing that one or two guys who are slightly better than my rank since its within my own ability to overcome it. ymmv on that depending on the person.

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