SMS? Smurfs? Kiriko OP? NAH... OW Competitive is a JOKE

Got 3 accounts (R.I.P. 2 of them thx to OW2 SMS… anyways) one is silver and the others are gold. 6 years. All seasons. Too many hours. 3000+ hrs total. Hard stuck! Right?

I just decided to play QP for the entire evening. 10 matches. Just to see.

This hard stuck gold mf played his last 4 matches with MASTER players… teammates that:

  • Focus on the right enemy to kill
  • Proper healing
  • Counter-picking
  • Actual good aim
  • No tunnel vision
  • Ult combos

Good quality matches…
Stuff you rarely see in gold. :slight_smile:

I got 3 POTGs (for what it’s worth), top elims (40+), top healing (18k+), top damage (20k+) and about 6 deaths on average.

Meaning QP puts you at your true rank faster…

Why tf do I have to press QP to play at my proper rank?

What kind of weird and innacurate Competitive system DOES NOT put you in your proper rank after say 10 matches?

Will OW2 be any different? I doubt it. Sadly.

Just posting to say goodbye to a game that I liked, but was always deceiving me at the same time.

Kind of a weird relationship… not sure I’m heartbroken. lol

gg all! WP!

EDIT: more details.

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Ah the classic case of a hardstuck player that believes that he deserves a higher rank

Pubs are pubs man, people play it to relax.


Ill take a relaxed master player on my team over a tryharding gold player that does multiple mistakes per minute and make my team lose ANY day.

Results are results. I can tell when people play for real…and these matches were not people fooling around. :slight_smile:

Link your Bnet accounts so you can then use the same number for all 3

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I’ve seen the same tbh. I’m gold/plat support main in competitive. But in quick play I’m regularly matched with masters and GM players and they are much easier to play with as are a lot more predictable.


I was using my lowest account to play with lower ranked friends.
My high gold account was to play with diamond friends.

But because of the stupid matchmaker and comp system I couldn’t play with my master and gm friends.

I have to make a new account so I can play on these levels. Grinding time in OW2 ! :neutral_face:

BTW, what happens to your unlocks/progress if you merge 3 accounts? Does it just link the accounts to the same number and that’s it?

But you yourself are NOT a masters player. I bet you in a real masters game you’d be a detriment and your teammates would notice pretty fast that you don’t belong there. In qp no one cares.

Guess i dont see what u seem to be complaining about? From what i understand is that you went into qp and got put against plats-gm players and you didnt get the same players on ur team? Qp means nothing. Ive played on the same acct since beta, and in that time qp has ALWAYS put me vs masters players one game then the next vs bronze…and everything in between. It dosnt care what rank you are or aren’t in qp. In comp besides the normal smurfs in the wrong rank…i have only had 1 maybe 2 games that i got put vs a masters player in my game that just was not ranked for that season yet. It was bs but it didnt matter in the 200-300+ games i play each season and no i dont care if i rank up or not i just play comp cuz its most times more balanced and most players seem to want to win opposed to qp were its there for practice and most dont care about winning or losing in qp.

Forgot to mention that I asked people in those matches what rank they thought I was in Comp.

For the few that replied, they thought I was min diamond and most of them said master.
One said “I got good and bad players even in GM. But you are not bad at all.”

"Why do you ask? You are surrounded by master players, wtf do you think you’re bronze? One said. :slight_smile:

I mean, all games ran smoothly, with back and forth situations of attack as soon as a team made a mistake. etc…

You know you are at your rank when you know what’s going on around you.
Predict bad moves from your teammates and can save them or shot call and predict ult charges and control the ult economy, for instance.

A true gold would not understand half of whats going on during a master/gm match.

[MÒÓĢŌŢĦ] : “Guess i dont see what u seem to be complaining about?”
Quality of matches.

When you see that people around you KNOW what to do and what NOT to do. :slight_smile:
Feels like a completely different game.

If you were a masters player, your rank would be masters. Simple. As. That. Doesn’t matter what your GM friends say, they’re just stroking your ego and they’d never queue with you if they gave you a gm account for example lololol

Not my friends, randos.

I’ll just play QP if it all comes down to this in OW2.
Just more fun.

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How does one do that?

Well yes quality of matchs but like the rest of what i said in qp it dosnt care what rank u are u get everything from bronze to gm to no ranks. I will have to watch the match (if ow2 will let me tomorrow) but if u are playing like a diamond or masters then u wouldnt have any problems climbing out of bronze even if u had multiple people throwing. (Ive done it myself and have been at most low plat at my highest rank). But if ur picking a hero like sombra or mercy no u wont be able to climb they are hust to team dependent. U need to pick something u can cary with no issues soloing.

Via your account settings there should be an option to link other accounts