Small Buff for Ana that will have a Big Impact

I think Ana is a great hero but compared to other supports there is not much reason to pick her.

I recommend making one small change.
Her Primary shot makes it so a character can not heal for 1.2 seconds.

This would be a similar effect as her biotic grenade but only for a single target and much shorter.

This would have a huge impact on the meta where certain heroes who are constantly being healed can now effectively be shutdown.


I would much rather get a survivability buff for her. Maybe some shields so she can have regenerative health. Or a small self heal added to her shots. Or even a mobility option so she can position herself better mid fight like Widow’s grappling hook or Hanzo’s wall climb considering she has a long range gun.

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I just think her cooldowns are too long. She has too much downtime on her abilties.

Yes, 20% of ally health healed returns to Ana. I believe this would be about 15-22 hp max per shot (depending if the ally is affected by biotic grenade).

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Give her a health regen and please just let her Pierce through enemy barriers to heal team mates. Winston can completely shut her healing down by bubbling on someone.

If a Winston and genji jump at you there is very little ana can do as even poping the sleep dart wont be fast enough to counter that. For the amount of healing she is able to output peeling is extremely costly when a mercy revive a whole teammate instead of a nano and has excellent way to keep herself alive. It just feels off when she is denied sniping spots when given a sniper rifle because if she doesn’t use the sniping ground and is in scope healing allies a genji can just primary to her head easily and swift strike.

I mean it’s one thing if the Winston dives me but it’s another if he dives my Zen and I can’t heal him in the bubble. At least Zen can still throw his healing orb on me when im in trouble

Why not both? She could have the buff the op suggested and a survivability buff by giving her a new passive that heals her when healing teammates.

I mean, I would never argue with multiple Ana buffs! But considering a dev post that said they didn’t think she was too far off I’m guessing they aren’t going to be giving her multiple buffs though and I think a buff to her ability to survive would be more useful to her.

Referring to this one:

That would actually be a pretty massive buff. The anti-heal on her grenade is one of the best abilities in the game, and you’d be giving that ability to her primary fire. It’s not AoE like her grenade, but being able to completely lock down a single hero is almost better since she can basically do it until she reloads. Plenty of time to kill any hero twice over.

I actually do think that she needs something, but I think she’s a difficult hero to touch. While other healers are better right now, a minor improvement in 1 area could drastically change her power curve.

I don’t think Ana will ever be meta again unless:

  1. she gets substantial buff
  2. dive tanks are completely obliterated
  3. we somehow reach an Ana + Zen meta, or just one where Ana is ran to counter Zen

The role she used to play in tank heavy comps has basically been completely replaced by Moira. Maybe you’ll see her ran with Ana + Brig + Lucio, but even that wouldn’t be great on maps with dominant high ground, which is like half of them.