Skins that you associate with certain ranks?

Post here what skins people who play the game casually (or competitively) tend to use at their respective elos.

For example, I noticed that Mercy players who are “stuck” in gold tend to use “Winged Victory” a lot.

As a Tracer main, I also saw that the “hardstuck Tracers” in gold etc. tend to disproportionately use Graffiti.

In masters+, Tracers generally use Rose or some team skin. Mercy’s in masters+ almost always have a team skin or the OWL one.

Share more if you want :slight_smile:

I associate dps Moira’s with the Blackwatch skin.

Trouble is, I like that one.

I see lower ranked Doomfist players using Blackhand a lot.

Never really noticed any trends, besides new players and GM/T500 players use default skins a lot