Skins missing from my account

Today I logged into my account only to notice that for some reason, my dva skin was switched from favorite skin, (officer DVA) to classic because for some reason it disappeared along with oni genji. Even though this angered me because I was among the very few ps4 players to be able to play HOTS to get the skin rightfully, I hope that this issue can be resolved somewhere in the near future.

Hey there, if you haven’t already done so please take a look at this. I’ve been documented this bug for months now and we’re not the only ones affected.

Click to expand quote link detailing the bug

At the moment, we don’t have a single bit of help unfortunately so I am sorry for that. If you have any questions just feel free to ask.

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@Ahriman has blizzard even acknowledged you in the past?? And is the fact that the skins are both from the HOTS promotion have anything to do with it???

To date and in all honesty, even on the things I’ve seen since I started documenting. There has been no acknowledgement let alone any form of support or a fix.

In your case, I would feel more comfortable in saying that there may be a possibility it’s related to the promotion. But, it’s more likely to be related to something else such as this bug.
Reason being is to my knowledge, these are not the only limited - exclusive - seasonal - or event based items from the gallery to go missing for a reason unknown to us.

Again I do apologise that there is no fix currently or any sign of one. I do hope the information is useful though and I would suggest keeping in touch if possible please.
The linked topic I shared with you I would consider to be the main source of info and I will be trying to maintain as best as I can when I’m able.

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