Skins dissapearing

Recently I got back on overwatch ps4 after a couple months break only to find that all of my Orisa skins are gone including my favorite skin “Dynastinae”. This bug needs to be fixed because it could be a potential loss of money in this game, becuase the only way to get skins are through loot boxes and the only way to get those is through game progression or micro-transactions. I don’t want to put forward any more money towards this game if I know there’s a chance what I get with my money could just vanish without warning or without return.

Hey there,
Please could you see this for as much information as possible.

Direct Link to topic is

here, click to expand

I also tried to share this over on Reddit but no activity yet unfortunately and I don’t fully understand that site:

There is one thing I would like to mention that I can’t remember if I wrote about in my documentation. But that is charge backs that normally occur to loot boxes.

Now I’m not an expert on this, I just know that sometimes after loot boxes are purchased there could be an issue with payments processing or other similar causes. Which prompt a charge back.
As a result of this any unlocked items or credits earned from that batch of loot boxes will vanish or become locked again if a charge back occurs.
To my knowledge this is one of the common causes for negative amount of credits.
I’m not sure but you may have the loot boxes themselves returned or a refund when this event occurs, but that is just my speculation as I do not know for certain.

Hi! I have the same trouble:

Today I open the game to purchase my last Halloween event skins before it ends and all looks like few weeks ago. No halloween icon player, no new legendary skins from this year, and no gold weapon from Soldier: 76. Blizzard just can’t do it this. :frowning:

Please confirm that you are not playing on the Public Test Region. That region would normally be missing items that you collected on live servers.