Skin missing help

Overwatch Winston specimen 28 skin missing from my Xbox account’ I got the skin when retribution was out when the anniversary update came out it But disappeared please help

Reload the game my guy, if it doesn’t work restart your console.

It did not work I tried talking to support about the the problem and they said they only do PC not xbox or ps4

Interesting, maybe uninstall and reinstall, If not, then I guess the game ate your skins. unfortunate :frowning:

Damm that’s Disappointing I’m screwed

This is a glitch that is really disheartening to happen it locks cosmetics and gets rid of credits at random and blizzard refuses to acknowledge it don’t worry you aren’t the only one this is happening to

For a full or as close to as most detail as possible. Please see this:

Overall and also currently, Blizzard and OW staff have been flat out ignorant. Records of this stuff goes as far as 2 years back.
There has only ever been 1 case out of everything I looked at that got a response, even if it was month late or so.
This case was also special because of this users particular severity.
The case of Kaleptik and is 500 lootbox chargeback, please note this is a chargeback occurrence but there is also a bug that just seems to magically take stuff from our galleries.

I wish the higher ups would pull their finger out of their ring piece and actually help us for once because I’m sorry to say, but I’m at a lost as to how we can fix this for ourselves.