Skin leak predictions

I know Genji mains are gonna get annoyed with this but I don’t think a “Slasher” skin would suit him.

When I think Slasher I think brutal not technical, I think a tank would be better suited for it to be honest. I was thinking Roadhog or Renhardt, but I’m not sure it suits them too well either… I guess I’ll just have to wait and see how it turns out.

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anything for genji and i’ll cry

Roadhog uses no slasher weapon, the only slasher ever known to use a hook was leatherface, but Roady already has a butcher hook.

Reinhardt wont work for 2 reasons, Hitbox representation being off as rein NEEDS to wear bulky armor, and the fact that a slasher would not exactly be protecting an entire team.

Genjis blade is a slasher weapon of mass destruction used to rip the enemy apart when used well.

Dr Frankenstein didn’t use a grenade launcher.
Chinese vampires don’t use freeze guns.
Dragons don’t use lazers.
Skeletons don’t throw weaponized orbs.

Argument irrelevant.

If anything genji being small and fast would work against it, since 76 is more built for the role.


God no, please be for Pharah

Yeah but Dr.Frankenstein had to be somebody, Junkenstein just worked.
It HAD to be mei, since shes the only one that’s chinese
Dragons using lazers? since when?
Skeletons using weaponized orbs, they wouldnt use hellfire shotguns so who else would they give it to?

Genji has a blade of mass destruction used to tear the enemy limb from limb, which is why most people see it working. And he’s 5 foot 6/8ish, I don’t consider that short.

That’s why I said I wasn’t too sure it would suit them either. I guess maybe cause of Genji’s ultimate? Eh.

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Symmetras dragon skin.

And Zen being thin and robotic helped play into the skeleton, lending to my argument that they give skins based on what the characters are built for, 76 is more Jason shaped, heck I could see the argument for reaper getting slasher as well.

While I am desperate for more Pharah skins, a bride theme wouldn’t work with her bulky armor. Unless they do something really crazy or inventive.

Welp, thats your viewpoint, I say Genji gets slasher (probably swordsman under another name), you say Soldier, oh well we’ll just have to see.

Keep in mind, everybody, all of these were placeholders. The final skins may have different names.


I feel like bride is going to be Mei or brig, someone we wouldn’t necessarily expect.

Spider queen would look good on orisa too if they gave her mini legs to hang off the side of her body. She already has bug themed skins so it is a look that works for her.

No, because COUNTLESS skins break that mold.

  • Sym has dragon wings
  • Sym goddess has a huge headpiece
  • Zen nutcracker
  • rein axe vs hammer
  • beach rat having a duck head on his rip tire.

No matter what they do, legendary skins will not:

  • break the hitbox (the only thing that matters)
  • disacociate the hero with a different hero (people know that Pharah flies, not that she has bulky armor)

I literally made the perfect Summer skin for Pharah:

Bride for brig actually works, give her a chained boquet of flowers and there ya go :stuck_out_tongue:


I like that idea.

I’m still secretly hoping its Moira though so my two favorites (junkrat and Moira) can have a pair of matching skins.

Yeah, moira fits the theme pretty well too, not to mention they need someone to replace symm since her rework.

I’d say Frankenstein’s Bride Moira is perfect, her suit can already be changed to look like a withered wedding dress without messing up hitboxes.

Tbh Moira fits almost every Halloween skin idea.

Ghost, bride, spider queen, scarecrow, vampire, zombie, banshee, wraith.

She’s like reaper when it comes to Halloween, could be made into almost anything.

Yep, she seems like she’d be absolutely perfect to be a mad scientist like Junkenstein.

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I just want Genju’s skin from the comics. A bride Moria skin wouldn’t be too bad either.

I would absolutely love a Bride Brigitte, and I’m very interested to see the Figure Skater skin, my first assumption is that the Figure Skater skin wouldn’t be Lucio since he has several Hockey skins with ice skates, but who knows, he would make sense for the design, but I don’t know, still excited though!

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