Skin ideas for Hammond?

it would need a goblin pilot too for Hammond himself

Donā€™t know why I didnā€™t think of that, but yeah every Iron star needs its Goblin engineer to go with it! only thing is a Goblin Hammond would either be cute or terrifying as a Goblin xD

Iā€™m thinking heā€™d be a more appealing gallywix design wise since hammond is a little chubby thing

Yeah that would be more fitting, he would look cute with some engineer goggles on hehe.

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Iā€™d like to see a Junker themed skin for him since he is the Junker Queenā€™s champion after all. Something along the lines of D.Vaā€™s Junker skins.

The Disco theme skin sounds amazing as well! Itā€™d be cool if his mines turned into mini disco balls with a skin like that.

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Maybe a ā€œLucio ballā€ ball skin! Pretty much just a soccer ball but called Lucio ball

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Just him in a cube instead of a ball and he canā€™t roll.

Where color scheme easter egg homages are concerned, Wheatley from Portal 2 is a must:

The Technodrome:

Bowser Junior in Klown Kar:

Hoover from Captain Commando:

Ton Bonne in mech:

Almost forgot, Magitek Armor from Final Fantasy 6:

Dimensional Crusader Bolon & Pollin from Kikaioh:

The Gundam RB-79 mobile pod ball grounded version:

the legendary skin options with this little boi are infinite. I would say discoball and soccerball are my top favorites to be a skin lol

Dragon ball skin

And also, hammond itself could be a rabbit

Basketball, because he is a little space jam boi.


i think his junker mech would be nice


Oh yeah, also specific to Hamham himself, ā€œDo a Barrel Roll!ā€

and of course Hamtaro color variant:

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Hammond obviously needs a Portal crossover skin with Glad0s providing the AI voice. He already looks like a mish mash between Wheatley and a portal turret - they can totally do something with this if they wanted to work out something with Valve (not like theyā€™re doing anything with the IP).

Definitely a Christmas ornament skin for the holidays!

Most importantly I hope his legendary skins are other types of rodents

Mouse, Chinchilla, Squirrel, Gerbilā€¦

That would be amazing.

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Hands down i wish for some kind of glassball (Hamster running ball) Where he sits in a seat fine and cosy inside the ballā€¦ Something like that