Skin ideas for Hammond?

Most likely a lot of sports balls skins (soccer, golf, pool, bowling, etc). Given these would go great with Summer Games event.
If you seen his origin story video then you most likely seen his mech as a junker form so that most likely will be a skin.
Hopefully we also get a skin of his little escape ball he used to get off the Lunar Colony.
Also a hedgehog version of him in a blue ball as a sonic reference.

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he needs his proto mecha/junker tourney skin cause lore reasons, but hmm maybe an iron starlett with a goblin for a blizzard themed skin

Christmas ornament or snowball
Pumpkin for Halloween
Soccer Ball for Summer event

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Ooh I just thought if Hammond was ever gonna get a Blizzard themed skin he could get a skin where his mech looks like an Iron star from WoW, if any of you don’t know what that is its basically a huge spikey death ball that the Iron Horde used during the Warlords of Dreanor xpac.

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Maybe tthe mech he used to fight in the arena but is filled with signatures

he could have a junker skin, pretty much the only junker thing we will be getting for a long time

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If he doesn’t get his Junker skin when he is released then he will probably get it during another lore event like Retribution.

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Disco Ball, with Hammond in a 70’s esque John Travolta outfit. Cute!

Ooo the white one sounds pretty

Hammond in Bunny form and the wrecking ball would be Pink.

So D.lightful

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A Lucioball for Summer of course. :thinking:

Don’t lie, we all are thinkin’ it somewhere in our minds. :thinking:


An 8 ball skin? (20 character)

it would need a goblin pilot too for Hammond himself

Don’t know why I didn’t think of that, but yeah every Iron star needs its Goblin engineer to go with it! only thing is a Goblin Hammond would either be cute or terrifying as a Goblin xD

I’m thinking he’d be a more appealing gallywix design wise since hammond is a little chubby thing

Yeah that would be more fitting, he would look cute with some engineer goggles on hehe.

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I’d like to see a Junker themed skin for him since he is the Junker Queen’s champion after all. Something along the lines of D.Va’s Junker skins.

The Disco theme skin sounds amazing as well! It’d be cool if his mines turned into mini disco balls with a skin like that.

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Maybe a “Lucio ball” ball skin! Pretty much just a soccer ball but called Lucio ball

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Just him in a cube instead of a ball and he can’t roll.

Where color scheme easter egg homages are concerned, Wheatley from Portal 2 is a must:

The Technodrome:

Bowser Junior in Klown Kar:

Hoover from Captain Commando:

Ton Bonne in mech: